1- Which of the following are interrogative pronouns? Choose one.

Sometimes, often, always, never
How, maybe, perhaps, probably
Who, whom, whose, which and what

2- Which of the following in NOT an English language tense? Choose one.

Past perfect
Future imperfect
Present perfect
Present continuous

3- Which of the statements below correctly describes nouns? Choose one.

Nouns modify other words and tell us more about them.
Nouns are naming words. They are words that give us the names for all the things that we come into contact with in our lives.
Nouns describe actions, states of being or appearance.

4- ‘Flock’, tribe’ and ‘herd’ are examples of which type of nouns? Choose one.

Proper nouns
Common nouns
Collective nouns
Abstract nouns

5- Which of the following are valid grammatical terms? Choose three.


6- Which of the following is a grammatical term? Choose one.


7- How many letters are there in the English alphabet? Choose one.


8- Which of the following statements is true? Choose one.

Semicolons are always used after the words ‘maybe’ and ‘hence’.
Semicolons provide a stronger pause than a comma.
Semicolons are often instead of a full stop.

9- Which of the phrases below is grammatically correct? Choose one.

Two week’s pay
Two weeks’ pay
Two weeks pay

10- Which of the following is a function of commas? Choose one.

To indicate a sentence is a question.
To end sentences.
To separate words, phrases or clauses.

11- Which of the following statements is true? Choose one.

Semicolons are always used after words such as ‘moreover’ and ‘hence’.
Semicolons are used to provide a weaker pause than a colon
Semicolons are often used before words such as ‘furthermore’ and ‘therefore’.

12- Which of the following is the plural of ‘baby’? Choose one.


13- Which of the statements below correctly describes abstract nouns? Choose one.

Abstract nouns are used for groups of animals and people.
Abstract nouns name feelings, concepts and ideas.
Abstract nouns are used for general classes of people, places or things.

14- Which of the following is the plural of ‘valley’? Choose one.


15- Three types of adjectives are defined below. Select the correct definition from the dropdown list on the right to match the description on the left.
Select matching answers from dropdown list.

These adjectives state the quality.= Positive
These adjectives compare the quality of two things.= Comparative
These adjectives compare the quality of three or more things.= Superlative


16- What term is used to describe the reporting of speech, as phrased by the original speaker? Choose one.

Indirect speech
Direct speech
Text speech

17- Examples of pronouns are listed below. Select the correct definition from the dropdown list on the right to match the pronoun example on the left.
Select matching answers from dropdown list.

Examples: They/their/theirs/them= Personal
Examples: Whoever/whomever/whatever= Relative
Examples: Some/something/someone= Indefinite



18- ‘The surf yesterday was better than the surf today.’ This is an example of what type of adjective? Choose one.

Positive adjective
Comparative adjective
Superlative adjective


19- Which of the following is NOT a function of punctuation? Choose one.

To increase the readers’ appreciation for the text.
To indicate when a sentence is a question.
To indicate where a sentence begins.
To indicate where a sentence ends


20- Which of the following is NOT a type of pronoun? Choose one.

Indefinite pronouns
Personal pronouns
Relative pronouns
Abstract pronouns



21- ‘Happiness’, ‘honour’, ‘courage’ and ‘serenity’ are examples of which type of nouns? Choose one.

Abstract nouns
Proper nouns
Common nouns
Collective nouns


22- Which of the following statements is true? Choose one.

Semicolons are always used after words such as ‘moreover’ and ‘hence’.
Semicolons are often used before words such as ‘furthermore’ and ‘therefore’.
Semicolons are used to provide a weaker pause than a colon


23- Which of the following is a grammatical term? Choose one.



24- Which of the following are valid grammatical terms? Choose three.



25- Which of the following statements is true? Choose one.

Semicolons are always used after the words ‘maybe’ and ‘hence’.
Semicolons provide a stronger pause than a comma.
Semicolons are often instead of a full stop.


26- Which of the statements below correctly describes abstract nouns? Choose one.

Abstract nouns are used for general classes of people, places or things.
Abstract nouns name feelings, concepts and ideas.
Abstract nouns are used for groups of animals and people.


27- Which of the following are functions of apostrophes? Choose two.

To indicate when a word has been contracted.
To indicate a sentence is a question.
To indicate ownership.


28- Which of the phrases below is grammatically correct? Choose one.

Two week’s pay
Two weeks pay
Two weeks’ pay


29- ‘Flock’, tribe’ and ‘herd’ are examples of which type of nouns? Choose one.

Collective nouns
Common nouns
Proper nouns
Abstract nouns


30- Which of the following statements is true? Choose one.

Semicolons are used to provide a weaker pause than a colon
Semicolons are often used before words such as ‘furthermore’ and ‘therefore’.
Semicolons are always used after words such as ‘moreover’ and ‘hence’.