In this blog you will find the correct answer of the Coursera quiz Diploma in Business Management Entrepreneurship Answers mixsaver always try to bring the best blogs and best coupon codes

1- Which group of behavioural theorists attempted to establish how best to motivate employees in order to improve their performance level and to ensure that they stay with the organisation? Choose one.

Batten, Jones, and McWilliams
Alderfer, Skinner, and McClelland
Jones, Coleson, and Adams


2- Which of the following are ways that an organisation can increase capacity? Choose three.

Increase plant and machinery
Get current staff to work overtime
Create additional shifts and hire more employees
Purchase more raw material


3- Which one of the following is NOT part of the Human Resource Management Responsibilities? Choose one.

Induction Training
Financial Management


4- Which of the following production processes are the basis of Facilities layout planning? Choose four.

Fixed position


5- Which of the following Operations Management (OM) functions are involved in the production of a good or the provision of a service? Choose four.



6- Match the description to the inventory type. Drag the description from underneath to the space on right to match the inventory type on the left.

Finished goods inventory= Includes items that have passed through the entire production process but have not yet been sold.

Work-in-progress inventory= Includes the materials moving through the stages of the production process that are not yet completed products

Raw materials inventory= Includes the basic inputs to the organisation’s production process.


7- Which of the following types of inventory that are associated with inventory management? Choose three.

Work-in-progress inventory
Work-in-progress inventory
Raw materials inventory
Materials requirement inventory



8- Which of the following are acknowledged to be desired outcomes of the employment process for any employee? Choose three.

Good health

9- Match the definitions to the planning process. Drag the definitions from underneath to the space on right to match the planning process on the left.

Aggregate planning= Involves planning for all production activities, tasks and associated resources required to carry out production.
Match the correct answers.

Master scheduling= Details the type and quantity of item(s) to be produced.

Materials requirement planning= The organisation of parts and materials required in the production process and plans for their purchase, use and storage


10- Below are the four basic components of an operation system within an organisation . Arrange the following in the correct sequence from first to last.






11- Which of the following methods may be used to assess the performance levels of employees? Choose three.

Familiarisation and induction
Performance appraisal systems
Management by objectives
Personal interaction and feedback


12- Who can carry out a performance appraisal of an employee? Choose four.

Superiors of the employee being appraised
The appraisee him/herself
An outsourced organisation
Peers of the employee being appraised
Employees working under the appraisee


13- There are 7 ingredients used to oversee business functions according to the mnemonic in the business management topic. The first ingredient is planning. Arrange the remaining 6 below in the correct sequence.

Drag answers into the correct sequence


14- True or False. Large-scale organisations eliminate competition in the marketplace.



15- Match each function set with its description. Drag the activities from underneath to the space on right to match the functions on the left.

Distribution= Managers must ensure the products are delivered on time to customers and that delivery charges are kept to a minimum

Marketing and Public Relations= Mgmt. to ensure timely delivery of right products/services to the right consumer, and resolve all complaints for success

Banking and Finance= Managers to ensure the financial resources in place to achieve organizational objectives and also control these finances

General Administration= Managers must ensure all the necessary paperwork, data entry and analysis are completed in the most efficient manner

16- True or false. All managers eventually follow the same management style.


17- Which description best describes the Human Resource Management process? Choose one.

Managing the sick and holiday entitlements and privileges of all staff.
Managing people to perform various tasks within the organisation so as to achieve organisational goals.
Organising Payroll and Employee Benefits for all employees.
Managing the hiring and administrative details of employment within the organisation.

18- Match the definitions to the planning types. Drag the definition from underneath to the space on right to match the type of planning on the left.

Facilities location planning= Planning out buildings, plant and equipment etc. that affects production capacity and involve major capital investment.

Process planning=  Planning for actual production of product/service by assessing current production methods and picking the best option.

Capacity planning= Determining the level of human and other resources that necessary to meet the production targets of the organisation.

19- Which behavioural theorist stated that employees are motivated according to what type of person they were – type X or type Y? Choose one.


20- Identify sources of direct internal change to organisations. Choose three

Organisational culture
Business policies and strategies
Managers and employees
The government

21- Which of the following types of productivity are Operations Management mainly concerned with? Choose three.

Employee productivity
Managerial productivity
Technological productivity
Annual productivity

22- Which of the following can be used to measure the state of employees relations? Choose three.

The number and length of industrial disputes.
The level of productivity.
The level of staff turnover.
The number of young workers employed.
The number of third-level graduates employed.

23- Which of the following are strategies for overcoming resistance to organisational change? Choose two.

Don’t involve employees in the actual change process
Use incentives and rewards to motivate employees to change
Establish an education forum to ensure the employees have all required information
Use threats and coercion first: if that doesn’t work, begin an education program

24- The eight steps in the employment cycle start with Human Resource Planning and end with Termination/Separation. Put the remaining six steps in to the correct order. Arrange the following in the correct sequence.

Drag answers into the correct sequence

Training and development

25- Which of the following best describes the period immediately prior to the employee starting the job, when a period of induction should take place? Choose one.

The process of helping the new employee fit into the job.
A process involving the assessment of the performance of an individual employee.
Goals to be achieved in the short, mid or long-term by the employee.
Training that is based on the current skill level of the employee.

26- What are some of the expectations that employees have regarding the terms of their employment? Choose four.

Guaranteed promotion
Open communication
Personal satisfaction
A team environment
A safe and secure working environments

27- Which of the following are strategies for overcoming resistance to organisational change? Choose two.

Use threats and coercion first: if that doesn’t work, begin an education program
Establish an education forum to ensure the employees have all required information
Use incentives and rewards to motivate employees to change
Don’t involve employees in the actual change process

28- Match the definitions to match the type of layout. Drag the definitions from underneath to the space on right to match the type of layout on the left.

Cell-unit layout= Equipment dedicated to sequences of operations is grouped into small unit areas.

Product layout= Equipment and tasks are arranged according to the progressive steps involved in producing a single product.

Process layout= All of the equipment that performs a similar process, function or task is grouped together.

Fixed-position layout= The product remains in one location and tasks and equipment are brought to

29- Which of the following factors form part of Tactical Planning decisions? Choose three.

Materials requirement planning
Master scheduling
Aggregate planning
Organisational capacity

30- Which of the following formulas is used to calculate the re-order point (ROP) for the economic order quantity (EOQ)? Choose one.

ROP = D – Time
ROP = D/Time
ROP = D x Time
ROP = D + Time

31- True or false. All managers eventually follow the same management style.


32- The HR Manager assesses each job within the organisation to develop a clear job design with designated job specification and job description. Drag the description from underneath to the space on right to match the title on the left.

Job Description= A statement of the tasks and activities, and areas of responsibility associated with performing the job.

Job Specification= A statement of the personal characteristics, skills, education and qualifications, and experience required to perform th

33- Which of the following are generic skill types that all managers are expected to display regardless of discipline. Choose two.

MS – Mathematical skills
DMC – Decision-making and conceptual skills
IPC – Inter-personal and communication skills
T- Technical skills
KS – Kinesthetic skills

34- Which of the following Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) can be used to assess the performance of the operations management system? Choose four.

The number of employees in managerial positions
The inventory turnover
The number of industrial disputes
The number of machine down-times
The number of production targets met

35- True or False. Large-scale organisations eliminate competition in the marketplace.


36- Who can carry out a performance appraisal of an employee? Choose four.

Employees working under the appraisee
The appraisee him/herself
An outsourced organisation
Superiors of the employee being appraised
Peers of the employee being appraised

37- Match the description to the abbreviation. Drag the description from underneath to the space on right to match the abbreviation on the left.

CAD= Enables engineers to develop new product designs in about half the time required using traditional methods.

CIM= The computerised integration of all major functions associated with the production of a product.

CAM= The computer is harnessed to help guide and control the manufacturing process.

38- Match the definitions to the planning process. Drag the definitions from underneath to the space on right to match the planning process on the left.

Aggregate planning= Involves planning for all production activities, tasks and associated resources required to carry out production.

Master scheduling= Details the type and quantity of item(s) to be produced.

Materials requirement planning= The organisation of parts and materials required in the production process and plans for their purchase, use and storage

39- Which of the following is best describes the term ‘outsourcing’? Choose one.

The process of identifying potential employees that would be suitable for particular roles within the organisation.
The process of hiring specialists from outside the business to perform certain tasks on behalf of the organisation.
The process of locating raw materials for the production process within the company.

40- Which of the following factors most influence the size and quality of the available workforce? Choose three.

The type of industries in the local area
The skill level of the workforce
The diversity of the workforce
The demographics of the local population

41- Which of the following strategies can be used to help achieve quality benchmarks? Choose three.

Quality regulation
Total quality management
Quality control
Quality assurance

42- Why should an organisation measure performance? Choose two.

To use data analysis software
To test data collection methods
To see whether the organisational objectives are being met.
To measure the effectiveness and efficiency of an organisation
To differentiate KPIs and benchmarking
To distinguish between objective and subjective data collection methods43- Which of the following skills does an employee need to complete the tasks associated with a job description? Choose three.

The level of performance required of the employee performing the tasks
The ability to use the type of equipment required to perform the tasks
The level of interaction between this job and others within the organisation
A third-level qualification

44- Which of the following are data collection methods? Choose four.


45- Select the characteristics of large-scale organisations. Choose three.

Privately owned
Operates in one centralised location
Clear distinction between owners and managers
Assets are of a similar value to turnover
More than 100 employees
Owned by the management team

46- Select the essential resources for business organisations. Choose four.


47- Which of the following is NOT a source of external pressures for change? Choose one

General economic environment
Human Resources
Market competition
Society as a whole

48- Which of the following can occur by using the latest technology. Choose four.

Lower levels of staff turnover
Increased costs to the organisation
Lower levels of waste
Higher quality levels of work
Assists improved organisational competiveness
Less risks to employee health from high speed and repetitive jobs

49- Why should an organisation measure performance? Choose two.

To see whether the organisational objectives are being met.
To measure the effectiveness and efficiency of an organisation
To differentiate KPIs and benchmarking
To distinguish between objective and subjective data collection methods
To test data collection methods
To use data analysis software

50- Which of the following strategies can be used to help achieve quality benchmarks? Choose three.

Quality regulation
Quality assurance
Quality control
Total quality management

51- Which of the following feed into Strategic Planning decisions? Choose four.

Organisational capacity
Strategic planning

52- Match the description to match the organisation type. Drag the description from underneath to the space on right to match the organisation type on the left.

Manufacturing organisation= One that produces an easily identifiable, tangible physical product or good

Service organisation= One which delivers a non-physical output that can’t be kept as inventory and involves the customer in production process

 53- Identify the common forms of resistance to organisational change. Choose four.

Not everyone may fully understand or comprehend the changes being proposed
Some may feel that there is no need to change
People may feel that they do not have the necessary resources to change
Fear of failure and insecurity 
Bad manners

54- What is the correct order for Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (Place the lower level needs at the bottom of the list)? Arrange the following in the correct sequence.


Psychological needs
Safety and security needs
Social needs
Ego and self-esteem needs
Self-actualisation needs



55- Which of the following types of productivity are Operations Management mainly concerned with? Choose three.

Annual productivity
Employee productivity
Managerial productivity
Technological productivity


56- Which of the following are generic skill types that all managers are expected to display regardless of discipline. Choose two.

KS – Kinesthetic skills
MS – Mathematical skills
T- Technical skills
IPC – Inter-personal and communication skills
DMC – Decision-making and conceptual skills



57- True or False. The employment cycle refers to the stages that an employee’s career passes through as they progress in terms of their employment within an organisation.



58- Which of the following can be used to measure the state of employees relations? Choose three.

The number of young workers employed.
The number and length of industrial disputes.
The level of productivity.
The level of staff turnover.
The number of third-level graduates employed.


59- Which behavioural theorist stated that employees are motivated according to what type of person they were – type X or type Y? Choose one.
