Q1. To cache your entire site for an application in Django, you add all except which of these settings?

  •  django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware
  •  django.middleware.cache.UpdateCacheMiddleware
  •  django.middleware.cache.FetchFromCacheMiddleware
  •  django.middleware.cache.AcceleratedCacheMiddleware

Q2. In which programming language is Django written?

  •  C++
  •  Java
  •  Python
  •  Ruby

Q3. To automatically provide a value for a field, or to do validation that requires access to more than a single field, you should override the ___ method in the ___ class.

  •  validate(); Model
  •  group(); Model
  •  validate(); Form
  •  clean(); Field

Q4. A client wants their site to be able to load "Rick & Morty" episodes by number or by title—e.g., shows/3/3 or shows/picklerick. Which URL pattern do you recommend?

  •  url(r'shows/int:season/int:episode/', views.episode_number)
  •  path('shows/int:season/int:episode/', views.episode_number),
  •  path('shows/int:season/int:episode', views.episode_number),
  •  url(r'^show/(?P[0-9]+)/(?P[0-9]+)/$', views.episode_number),

Q5. How do you determine at startup time if a piece of middleware should be used?

  •  Raise MiddlewareNotUsed in the init function of your middleware.
  •  Implement the not_used method in your middleware class.
  •  List the middleware beneath an entry of django.middleware.IgnoredMiddleware.
  •  Write code to remove the middleware from the settings in [app]/init.py.

Q6. How do you turn off Django’s automatic HTML escaping for part of a web page?

  •  Place that section between paragraph tags containing the autoescape=off switch.
  •  Wrap that section between { percentage mark autoescape off percentage mark} and {percentage mark endautoescape percentage mark} tags.
  •  Wrap that section between {percentage mark autoescapeoff percentage mark} and {percentage mark endautoescapeoff percentage mark} tags.
  •  You don't need to do anything—autoescaping is off by default.

Q7. Which step would NOT help you troubleshoot the error "django-admin: command not found"?

  •  Check that the bin folder inside your Django directory is on your system path.
  •  Make sure you have activated the virtual environment you have set up containing Django.
  •  Check that you have installed Django.
  •  Make sure that you have created a Django project.

Q8. Every time a user is saved, their quiz_score needs to be recalculated. Where might be an ideal place to add this logic?

  •  template
  •  model
  •  database
  •  view

Q9. What is the correct way to begin a class called "Rainbow" in Python?

  •  Rainbow {}
  •  export Rainbow:
  •  class Rainbow:
  •  def Rainbow:

Q10. You have inherited a Django project and need to get it running locally. It comes with a requirements.txt file containing all its dependencies. Which command should you use?

  •  django-admin startproject requirements.txt
  •  python install -r requirements.txt
  •  pip install -r requirements.txt
  •  pip install Django

Q11. Which best practice is NOT relevant to migrations?

  •  To make sure that your migrations are up to date, you should run updatemigrations before running your tests.
  •  You should back up your production database before running a migration.
  •  Your migration code should be under source control.
  •  If a project has a lot of data, you should test against a staging copy before running the migration on production.

Q12. What will this URL pattern match? url(r'^$', views.hello)

  •  a string beginning with the letter Ra string beginning with the letter R
  •  an empty string at the server root
  •  a string containing ^ and $a string containing ^ and $
  •  an empty string anywhere in the URLan empty string anywhere in the URL

Q13. What is the typical order of an HTTP request/response cycle in Django?

  •  URL > view > template
  •  form > model > view
  •  template > view > model
  •  URL > template > view > model

Q14. Django's class-based generic views provide which classes that implement common web development tasks?

  •  concrete
  •  thread-safe
  •  abstract
  •  dynamic

Q15. Which skills do you need to maintain a set of Django templates?

  •  template syntax
  •  HTML and template syntax
  •  Python, HTML, and template syntax
  •  Python and template syntax

Q17. How would you define the relationship between a star and a constellation in a Django model?

  • [x]
class Star(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
class Constellation(models.Model):
stars = models.ManyToManyField(Star)
  • [ ]
class Star(models.Model):
constellation = models.ForeignKey(Constellation, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
class Constellation(models.Model):
stars = models.ForeignKey(Star, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
  • [ ]
class Star(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
class Constellation(models.Model):
stars = models.OneToManyField(Star)
  • [ ]
class Star(models.Model):
constellation = models.ManyToManyField(Constellation)
class Constellation(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)

Q18. Which is NOT a valid step in configuring your Django 2.x instance to serve up static files such as images or CSS?

  •  In your urls file, add a pattern that includes the name of your static directory.
  •  Create a directory named static inside your app directory.
  •  Create a directory named after the app under the static directory, and place static files inside.
  •  Use the template tag {percentage mark load static percentage mark}.

Q19. What is the correct way to make a variable available to all of your templates?

  •  Set a session variable.
  •  Use a global variable.
  •  Add a dictionary to the template context.
  •  Use RequestContext.

Q20. Should you create a custom user model for new projects?

  •  No. Using a custom user model could break the admin interface and some third-party apps.
  •  Yes. It is easier to make changes once it goes into production.
  •  No. Django's built-in models.User class has been tried and tested—no point in reinventing the wheel.
  •  Yes, as there is no other option.

Q21. You want to create a page that allows editing of two classes connected by a foreign key (e.g., a question and answer that reside in separate tables). What Django feature can you use?

  •  actions
  •  admin
  •  mezcal
  •  inlines

Q22. Why are QuerySets considered "lazy"?

  •  The results of a QuerySet are not ordered.
  •  QuerySets do not create any database activity until they are evaluated.
  •  QuerySets do not load objects into memory until they are needed.
  •  Using QuerySets, you cannot execute more complex queries.

Q23. You receive a MultiValueDictKeyError when trying to access a request parameter with the following code: request.GET['search_term']. Which solution will NOT help you in this scenario?

  •  Switch to using POST instead of GET as the request method.
  •  Make sure the input field in your form is also named "search_term".
  •  Use MultiValueDict's GET method instead of hitting the dictionary directly like this: request.GET.get('search_term', '').
  •  Check if the search_term parameter is present in the request before attempting to access it.

Q24. Which function of Django's Form class will render a form's fields as a series of


  •  show_fields()
  •  as_p()
  •  as_table()
  •  fields()

Q25. You have found a bug in Django and you want to submit a patch. Which is the correct procedure?

  •  Fork the Django repository GitHub.
  •  Submit a pull request.
  •  all of these answers.
  •  Run Django's test suite.

Q26. Django supplies sensible default values for settings. In which Python module can you find these settings?

  •  django.utils.default_settings.py
  •  django.utils.global_settings.py
  •  django.conf.default_settings.py
  •  django.conf.global_settings.py

Q27. Which variable name is best according to PEP 8 guidelines?

  •  numFingers
  •  number-of-Fingers
  •  number_of_fingers
  •  finger_num

Q28. A project has accumulated 500 migrations. Which course of action would you pursue?

  •  Manually merge your migration files to reduce the number
  •  Don't worry about the number
  •  Try to minimize the number of migrations
  •  Use squashmigrations to reduce the number

Q29. What does an F() object allow you when dealing with models?

  •  perform db operations without fetching a model object
  •  define db transaction isolation levels
  •  use aggregate functions more easily
  •  build reusable QuerySets

Q30. Which is not a django filed type for integers?

  •  SmallIntegerField
  •  NegativeIntegerField
  •  BigAutoField
  •  PositiveIntegerField

Q31. Which will show the currently installed version?

  •  print (django.version)
  •  import django django.getVersion()
  •  import django django.get_version()
  •  python -c django --version

Q32. You should use the http method ___ to read data and ___ to update or create data

  •  GET; POST
  •  POST; GET

Q33. When should you employ the POST method over GET for submitting data?

  •  when efficiency is important
  •  when you want the data to be cached
  •  when you want to use your browser to help with debugging
  •  when the data in the form may be sensitive

Q34. When to use the Django sites framework?

  •  if your single installation powers more than one site
  •  if you need to serve static as well as dynamic content
  •  if you want your app have a fully qualified domain name
  •  if you are expecting more than 10.000 users

Q35. Which infrastructure do you need:

title=models.charfield(max_length=100, validators=[validate_spelling])

  •  inizialized array called validators
  •  a validators file containing a function called validate_spelling imported at the top of model
  •  a validators file containing a function called validate imported at the top of model
  •  spelling package imported at the top of model

Q36. What decorator is used to require that a view accepts only the get and head methods?

  •  require_safe()
  •  require_put()
  •  require_post()
  •  require_get()

Q37. How would you define the relation between a book and an author - book has only one author.

  • [ ]
class Author (models.model):
class Book(models.model):
  • [x]
class Author (models.model):
class Book(models.model):
  • [ ]
class Author (models.model):
class Book(models.model):
  • [ ]
class Author (models.model):
class Book(models.model):
  • [ ]
class Author (models.model):
class Book(models.model):

Q38. What is a callable that takes a value and raises an error if the value fails?

  •  validator
  •  deodorizer
  •  mediator
  •  regular expression

Q39. To secure an API endpoint, making it accessible to registered users only, you can replace the rest_framework.permissions.allowAny value in the default_permissions section of your settings.py to

  •  rest_framework.permissions.IsAdminUser
  •  rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated
  •  rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthorized
  •  rest_framework.permissions.IsRegistered

Q40. Which command would you use to apply a migration?

  •  makemigration
  •  update_db
  •  applymigration
  •  migrate

Q41. Which type of class allows QuerySets and model instances to be converted to native Python data types for use in APIs?

  •  objectwriters
  •  serializers
  •  picklers
  •  viewsets

Q42. How should the code end?

{ percentage if spark >= 50 percentage }
Lots of spark
{percentage elif spark == 42 percentage}
  •  { percentage else percentage}
  •  {percentage endif percentage}
  •  Nothing needed
  •  {percentage end percentage}

Q43 Which code block will create a serializer?

from rest_framework import serializers
from .models import Planet
  • [x]
class PlanetSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
fields=('name','position', 'mass', 'rings')
  • [ ]
from rest_framework import serializers
from .models import Planet
class PlanetSerializer():
class Meta:
fields=('name','position', 'mass', 'rings')
  • [ ]
from django.db import serializers
from .models import Planet
class PlanetSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
fields=('name','position', 'mass', 'rings')
  • [ ]
from django.db import serializers
from .models import Planet
class PlanetSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:

Q44 Which class allows you to automatically create a Serializer class with fields and validators that correspond to your model's fields?

  •  ModelSerializer
  •  Model
  •  DataSerializer
  •  ModelToSerializer

Q45 Which command to access the built-in admin tool for the first time?

  •  django-admin setup
  •  django-admin runserver
  •  python manage.py createuser
  •  python manage.py createsuperuser

Q46. Virtual environments are for managing dependencies. Which granularity works best?

  •  you should set up a new virtualenv for each Django project
  •  They should not be used
  •  Use the same venv for all your Django work
  •  Use a new venv for each Django app

Q47. What executes various Django commands such as running a webserver or creating an app?

  •  migrate.py
  •  wsgi.py
  •  manage.py
  •  runserver

Q48. What do Django best practice suggest should be "fat"?

  •  models
  •  controllers
  •  programmers
  •  clients

Q49. Which is not the part of Django Design Philosophies?

  •  Loose Coupling
  •  Less Code
  •  Fast Development
  •  Repeat Yourself

Q50. What is the result of this template code?

{{"live long and prosper"|truncate:3}}
  •  live long and ...
  •  live long and
  •  a compilation error
  •  liv

Q51. When does this code load data into memory?

1 sandwiches = Sandwich.objects.filter(is_vegan=True)
2 for sandwich in sandwiches:
3   print(sandwich.name + " - " + sandwich.spice_level)
  •  line 1
  •  It depends on how many results return by query.
  •  It depends on cache.
  •  line 2

Q52. You are building a web application using a React front end and a Django back end. For what will you need to provision?**

  •  an NGINX web server
  •  a NoSQL database
  •  a larger hard drive
  •  CORS middleware

Q53. To expose an existing model via an API endpoint, what do you need to implement?**

  •  an HTTP request
  •  a JSON object
  •  a query
  •  a serializer

Q54. How would you stop Django from performing database table creation or deletion operations via migrations for a particular model?**

  •  Run the migrate command with --exclude=[model_name].
  •  Move the model definition from models.py into its own file.
  •  Set managed=False inside the model.
  •  Don't run the migrate command.

Q55. what method can you use to check if form data has changed when using a form instance?

  •  has_changed()
  •  its_changed()
  •  has_updated()
  •  None of This