In this blog you will find the correct answer of the Coursera quiz Oral Communication for Engineering Leaders Coursera Answer mixsaver always try to brings best blogs and best coupon codes

Week- 1

Peer-graded Assignment: Capstone Real-Life Presentation Assignment – Week 1


week 1 Assignment 1 :
Click here



Peer-graded Assignment: Record an Impromptu Speech – P/F Assignment


week 1 Assignment 2:

Click Here




End of Module 1 Quiz


Question 1
True or False: It is important to think about strategic communication while having a conversation with someone at your workplace.

1 point

  • True
  • False

Question 2
True or False: Communicating strategically does not always require extensive planning.

1 point

  • True
  • False

Question 3
True or False: You can identify a specific audience after you have finished writing a report.

1 point

  • True
  • False

Question 4
True or False: The reason for an audience’s interest in your message should be irrelevant to your communication strategy.

1 point

  • True
  • False

Question 5
True or False: Your key message should be described only at the end of your presentation so that your audience will remember it.

1 point

  • True
  • False

Question 6
True or False: The audience’s prior knowledge of your topic is important to consider even if you plan to explain your project in detail.

1 point

  • True
  • False

Question 7
True or False: Once you have developed your presentation, it can be reused for many difference audiences.

1 point

  • True
  • False

Question 8
True or False: The audience’s questions should be addressed at the end of your message.

1 point

  • True
  • False



Week- 2

Peer-graded Assignment: Capstone Real-Life Presentation Assignment – Week 2

week 2 Assignment 1:


Click here 



Peer-graded Assignment: TED Talk Analysis – Bone Marrow Speech Analysis – P/F Assignment

week 2 Assignment 2 part 1:


Click here 

week 2 Assignment 2 part 2:


click here 



Module 2 Quiz


Question 1
What is the role of pathos in a technical presentation?

1 point

Appeals to pathos improve the speaker’s credibility.

Appeals to pathos help convince the audience through

Appeals to pathos involve a well-organized presentation.

Appeals to pathos help convince the audience emotionally
that they want to do or believe something.

Question 2
How might an engineer create an emotional connection with their audience?

1 point

Vivid, emotionally-charged language

Analogies and metaphors


All of the above

Question 3
Which of the following does a well-organized and direct presentation NOT include?

1 point

A clear and concise key message

Inductive message structure

Smooth and logical transitions

A strong conclusion

Question 4
An effective introduction includes all of the following except?

1 point

A strong hook

A clear key message

A detailed information about how you plan to solve the problems with the project

A preview of your agenda

Question 5
What role do transitions and signposts NOT play in your presentation?

1 point

They help your information flow smoothly and logically

They help connect your ideas and show how those ideas are related.

They help set up the expectations of your audience.

They summarize your content up to that point.

Question 6
Which of the following does a strong closing NOT do?

1 point

Makes clear that you are transitioning from the body to the closing.

Summarizes your key message and key points.

Ties back to your hook in the opening.

Lists points that you wanted to cover but didn’t have time for.

Question 7
Which of the following is the strongest reason to use stories in a technical presentation?

1 point

Stories entertain the audience

Stories help persuade an audience to agree with you

Stories distract the audience from boring details

Stories main purpose is to make the speaker seem more human.

Question 8
Which of the following is NOT an effective place to include a story in a presentation?

1 point

In the introduction

In the conclusion

As an example supporting a main point

In a transition





Week- 3

Peer-graded Assignment: Capstone Real-Life Presentation Assignment – Week 3


week 3 Assignment 1 :

Click here 


Peer-graded Assignment: Data Visualization P/F Assignment


week 3 Assignment 2 part 1 :

Click here 

week 3 Assignment 2 part 2 :

Click here 


Module 3 Quiz

Question 1
Which of the following is an example of a slide title that is most effective?

1 point

The Problem

Financial Considerations

Environmental Impacts

We expect cost savings within two years

Question 2
Which of the following content makes a PowerPoint slide
difficult for the audience to read while listening to the speaker?

1 point

Aligned bullet points

Detailed explanation of the key points the speaker is making

Clear, succinct points

Bullets that all begin with parallel verb or noun forms

Question 3
On a well-designed slide, colors chosen for the font or
visuals should

1 point

Be used to emphasize specific text or visual elements

Be high in contrast with the slide’s background

Be used consistently throughout the presentation

All of the above

Question 4
To compare one continuous variable in several categories,
which of the following would be the best choice of graph?

1 point

Bar graph


Line graph

Spider/Radar Chart

Question 5
What is the best location for labeling the bars on a bar
graph or the lines on a line graph?

1 point

In a separate legend outside of the graph’s margins

As close to the line or bar as possible

In a caption below the graph

Nowhere; the graph will be described verbally and does not need to be labeled

Question 6
Which one of the following is an example of what to do in a well-designed graph?

1 point

Make gridlines visible and bold

Make bars 3D

Make the spaces between bars wider than the bars themselves.

Clearly label X and Y axes.

Question 7
Which of the following visual design choices will NOT help
an audience understand a table on a Power Point slide?

1 point

Using color to shade labels in rows and columns

Highlighting key information

Aligning numbers for easy comparison

Including as much detailed information as possible in a single table

Question 8
Which of the following is NOT important as you design your slides?

1 point

Include sources for the graphics you use.

Balance text, graphics, and white space.

Turn words into graphics when you can.

Use complete sentences in your bullet lists.




Week- 4

Peer-graded Assignment: Capstone Real-Life Presentation Assignment – Week 4


week 4 Assignment 1 :



Peer-graded Assignment: Building Mental Habits – P/F Assignment


week 4 Assignment 2 :




Module 4 Quiz

Question 1
In order to give an
engaging presentation, you should do which of the following?

1 point

Maintain eye contact that
is distributed and sustained

Adopt a confident posture

Use your voice to convey
interest and emphasis

All of the above

Question 2
Which of the following is an
acceptable arm position for presentations?

1 point

Relaxed at your sides or at belt level.

Crossed in front of your

Hands in your pockets

Behind your back

Question 3
What is NOT important if you decide to walk during your presentation?

1 point

Don’t pace back and forth.

Walk slowly.

Don’t walk too much.

Turn your back on only one section of the audience at a time.

Question 4
Which of the following is
NOT a reason that speaking in a monotone is problematic during a presentation?

1 point

It is boring for the

It makes the speaker talk too quickly

It is difficult to identify
what is important

It makes the speaker seem
to find their own topic unimportant and uninteresting

Question 5
Where should a
speaker look during a presentation?

1 point

Slightly above the heads of
the audience – pretending that he or she is looking at everyone

Down at their notes

Toward the center of the

At different audience members every few seconds

Question 6
Which team delivery method
works best for a short presentation with a large team?

1 point

Each speaker presents a
recommendation in sequence

A “Master of Ceremonies”

One speaker presents for the team

Each team member
presents one slide

Question 7
If you are presenting as
part of a team, which of the following should be coordinated with your

1 point

Formality of dress code for
the presentation

Slide formatting

Transitions between

All of the above

Question 8
Which of the choices below
is NOT a useful strategy for improving your presentation delivery?

1 point

Film yourself multiple
times as you practice so you can identify areas to improve. Filming will make
you self-conscious and nervous.

Wait to improve your delivery until you receive feedback from colleagues after your final presentation. You will improve your next presentation based on their feedback.

Practice your presentation
until you know your content without notes. Too much practice will make me sound

Ask friends to watch your
presentation and provide feedback




Week- 5

Peer-graded Assignment: Capstone Real-Life Presentation Assignment – Week 5


week 5 Assignment 1 :



Peer-graded Assignment: Elevator Pitch P/F Assignment


week 5 Assignment 2 :




Week 5 Quiz

Question 1
Which of the following
aspects of delivery does NOT make you seem confident during an impromptu
response to a question?

1 point

Using consistent eye

Speaking with a strong

Answering a different question

Repeating the question back
to the asker

Question 2
Which of the following
techniques should you AVOID if you want to professionally respond to a question
you’re not sure how to answer?

1 point

Have the question repeated

Pause before answering

Admit that you don’t know
the answer

Give a partial answer even if you’re not sure it is right

Question 3
What is the most
difficult aspect of the elevator pitch for many speakers?

1 point

It needs to be an impromptu
speech, created on the spot and delivered without advance preparation

It must be very short yet contain a large amount of information

It is presented to
only a single person

It must contain a
high level of technicality for experts in the field

Question 4
In an elevator pitch, you
need to be able to:

1 point

Explain why the problem you
are addressing is important

Compare your
solution to others to show why it is better

Ask for something
specific from the listener

All of the above

Question 5
Which of the
following is an advantage of many online presentations that you do not have in
face to face meetings?

1 point

The audience can converse with each other and ask questions of the presenter without interrupting the presentation

speaker does not make eye contact with the audience

audience pays close attention to the presenter

Visuals can be highly

Question 6
Where should you
look if you are giving a solo video presentation online?

1 point

Slightly above your
computer screen, as though you were speaking to people in the room

At the camera

At your notes on the screen

At the image of your

Question 7
What can you do when
preparing your introduction to calm your anxiety?

1 point

Memorize the first lines of
your presentation

Practice until you
can deliver the introduction confidently

Use an engaging hook

All of the above

Question 8
What should you do if you
make a mistake during a presentation?

1 point

Apologize and move on

Stop, correct
yourself, then pick up where you left off

Keep going without addressing the mistake

Start over at the
beginning of the section containing the mistake



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