In this blog you will find the correct answer of the Coursera quiz Mindshift Break Through Obstacles to Learning week 3 mixsaver always try to brings best blogs and best coupon codes



Question No. 1: In this MOOC, the term “passion trap” is defined as: 

Answer:  The phenomenon where we’re encouraged to “follow our passions” by well-meaning people—friends and teachers especially—who don’t themselves have to suffer the consequences of long term difficulties in getting a job.

Question No. 2: Choose the best answer to complete the sentence in light of a key point that was made in this week’s videos.
History is full of stories of overly __________________________business executives, generals and politicians who only listen to others when they reinforce their own thoughts—these leaders then steer with blithe conviction toward disaster. 

Answer:  Self-Confident

Question No. 3: What does the term “second skill” mean? (Check all that apply.) 

Answer:  To become prepared for an alternate career by learning a new skill set
Answer:  Preparing for the possibility that your primary occupation could be discontinued or become obsolete.

Question No. 4: Select the true statements from below based on this week’s materials. 

Answer:  Who you are is not just you – who you are also depends on your environment. This means that by changing your environment, you can speed up the process of mindshifting.

Answer:  If you’re making a mindshift, count yourself lucky if those around you are supportive, and use the opportunity to go as far as you can down your new learning path.

Answer:  Well thought-out career changes can become a vitally important creative fuel. As career change type and frequency vary considerably within different cultures, this can affect the rate and direction of overall development for entire societies.


Question No. 5: Select the true answers from below related to this week’s materials. 

Answer:  Sometimes you might find yourself blocked when you are aiming for a certain career. If you are blocked, either temporarily or permanently, in what you want to learn or do, that’s often a great opportunity to second-skill yourself, or to do something else that’s equally exciting or fulfilling.

Answer:  Non-academic topics, for example, working as a DJ, learning to perform magic, or public speaking, can be invaluable assets to your career.

Question No. 6: The “Golden Rule of Career Catastrophes” states that: 

Answer:  It’s never as bad as you think it is at the time, and there’s always a silver lining.

Question No. 7: Select the single best phrase to complete the sentence below based on this week’s videos.
Cultivating _______________________________can help you master what you’re trying to learn and can prevent you from being used by others as a tool for their own work. 


Answer:  selective ignorance

Question No. 8: Select the true statements from below. 

Answer:  The interaction of many ancient neural systems, such as those involving serotonin and noradrenaline, complicates the search for effective treatments for mental disorders and reminds us that, although 

Answer:  It is not just your cognitive systems, but also impetus provided by your emotional systems that make you intelligent

Question No. 9: Select the best word or phrase to complete this sentence, based on this week’s videos.
People with less capable working memories are more likely to see _______________. 


Answer: Shortcuts

Question No. 10: Select the single best phrase to complete the second sentence, based on this MOOC’s teachings
When changing careers or starting something new and different, it is typical to feel an almost child-like incompetence. _________________________________________ 

Answer:  But the creative power you bring to the table because of



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