1. How to know that we have to use which tool for this project? 

Tools are decided by Management i.e., the company you work for. since some tools require budge. Some tools can be downloaded online and are free to use. Depending on the Project - if the project has any future releases - a test management tool is necessary and for regression purposes, an automated tool is necessary to execute regression scripts. If the project is used by a large number of users, to know the performance of the designed application a performance test tool is necessary.


2. What is the difference between web, window, desktop, and client-server application testing? 

web is n-tier application eg:: banking window/desktop is on1-tier application eg:: like paint application client-server is 2-tier application eg:: appication with its own database


3. What is Agile Development Processes? 

Please refer to the below link:



4. What is the difference between test cases and test data? 

Test Data: a collection of test input values that are consumed during the execution of a test, and expected results referenced for comparative purposes. Test data may be any kind of input to the application, any kind of file that is loaded by the application or entries read from the database tables. It may be in any format like XML test data, system test data, SQL test data, or stress test data. 

Test Case: A set of test inputs, execution conditions, and expected results developed for a particular objective, such as to exercise a particular program ...

Test cases is a sequence of steps to test the correct behavior of a functionality/feature of an application


5. Explain Agile Development Processes? 

Agile software development is a conceptual framework for software engineering that promotes development iterations throughout the life-cycle of the project. 

There are many agile development methods; most minimize risk by developing software in short amounts of time. Software developed during one unit of time is referred to as an iteration, which may last from one to four weeks. Each iteration is an entire software project: including planning, requirements analysis, design, coding, testing, and documentation. An iteration may not add enough functionality to warrant releasing the product to market but the goal is to have an available release (without bugs) at the end of each iteration. At the end of each iteration, the team re-evaluates project priorities.


6. What is Change Request? 

This is a Change Control mechanism for managing changing changes/enhancements outside the scope of a particular project or release you are working on. 

E.g I'm working on project A, with requirements H,K,L,P. These are all the requirements we budgeted for this release anything outside of it is scope screep and thus will require a change request for it to be included at a later stage and properly managed and tracked.


7. How to write the test cases for history of chat? 

in settings there will be option like record chat click on record chat and chat with somebody the chat should be recorded that is after some days when you click on chat history it should be visible (the chat data) change to don't record chat when you chat with somebody the chat should not be recorded


8. What is Context Driven Testing in Agile Method? 

Context-driven testing is a paradigm for developing and debugging computer software that takes into account the ways in which the programs will be used or are expected to be used in the real world. In order to successfully conduct this type of testing, software developers must identify the intended market and evaluate the environments in which people are likely to employ the product. Context-driven testing is sometimes considered a "flavor" of agile software development. 

A program that works well for one person in a given situation might prove inadequate or inappropriate for another person or situation. For example, a word processor with mathematical symbols and a set of tools for positioning and manipulating them might be ideal for a college professor writing a physics textbook but cumbersome and annoying for a novelist. Conversely, a simple text editor may be preferred by the novelist but be rejected by the professor. Context-driven testing revolves around the fact that there is no single "best solution" that applies to all cases. In addition, it takes into account the fact that complex software projects often evolve in unpredictable ways. Context-driven testing is based on the notion that a computer program should be treated as a solution. It follows that if a program does not resolve the problem or situation it is meant to address, then it cannot be considered a success. 

Advantages of context-driven testing include enhanced user-friendliness of the end product, optimized functionality for intended users and adaptability of the product to changing markets and social values. The context-driven methodology does not necessarily work well in all situations. Other approaches might prove better for developers who are under the direct supervision and control of an autocratic "boss" who takes responsibility for the results of work done. Context-driven testing would likely prove superfluous in stable environments where conditions rarely or never change.


9. Tell me In which of the software testing phase is QA involved & QC not involved? 

QA is quality assurance and QC is quality control. The first one is preventive action later is detective. So QA is generally involves in assuring that no detect goes in product. QA compromises of

1.Static Code anaysis

2.Reviews(Formal and informal) While QC comprises of 

1.Dynamic Code anaysis




10. Explain insurance project modules,and what we need to test on which functionality? 

There are 4 core modules in any Insurance application . 

1. underwriting 





11. What are the contents in test plans and test cases?

    Testing objectives

    Testing scope

    Testing the frame

    The environment

    Reason for testing

    The criteria for entrance and exit


    Risk factors


12. What is Agile testing and what is the importance of Agile testing?

 Agile testing is software testing, which involves the testing of the software from the customer point of view.  The importance of this testing is that, unlike normal testing process, this testing does not wait for development team to complete the coding first and then doing testing. The coding and testing both goes simultaneously.  It requires continuous customer interaction.

It works on SDLC ( Systems Development Life Cycle) methodologies, it means that the task is divided into different segments and compiled at the end of the task.


13. What is Test case?

Test case is a specific term that is used to test a specific element.  It has information of test steps, prerequisites, test environment and outputs.


14. What is the strategy for Automation Test Plan?

    The strategy for Automation Test Plan

    Preparation of Automation Test Plan

    Recording the scenario

    Error handler incorporation

    Script enhancement by inserting check points and looping constructs

    Debugging the script and fixing the issues

    Rerunning the script

    Reporting the result


15. What is quality audit?

The systematic and independent examination for determining the quality of activities is known as quality audit.  It allows the cross check for the planned arrangements, whether they are properly implemented or not.


16. How does a server or client environment affect software testing?

As the dependencies on the clients are more, the client or server applications are complex.

The testing needs are extensive as servers, communications and hardware are interdependent. Integration and system testing is also for a limited period of time.


17. What are the tools used by a tester while testing?





    YSlow for FireBug

    Web Developer toolbar for firebox


18. Explain stress testing, load testing and volume testing?

    Load Testing: Testing an application under heavy but expected load is known as Load Testing.  Here, the load refers to the large volume of users, messages, requests, data, etc.

    Stress Testing: When the load placed on the system is raised or accelerated beyond the normal range then it is known as Stress Testing.

    Volume Testing:  The process of checking the system, whether the system can handle the required amounts of data, user requests, etc. is known as Volume Testing.


19. What are the five common solutions for software developments problems?

    Setting up the requirements criteria, the requirements of a software should be complete, clear and agreed by all

    The next thing is the realistic schedule like time for planning , designing, testing, fixing bugs and re-testing

    Adequate testing, start the testing immediately after one or more modules development.

    Use rapid prototype during design phase so that it can be easy for customers to find what to expect

    Use of group communication tools


20. What is a ‘USE’ case and what does it include?

The document that describes, the user action and system response, for a particular functionality is known as USE case.  It includes revision history, table of contents, flow of events, cover page, special requirements, pre-conditions and post-conditions.