The lower gastrointestinal series is also called Barium enema. It is a procedure used to examine and diagnose problems related to the large intestine. Barium sulfate is given to the person via an enema which fills the colon. Then the digestive system is examined through an X-ray. Barium sulfate is the radiocontrast agent which increases the visibility of internal structures using computing tomography. The procedure is used to diagnose bowel health and diseases like Crohn's disease, diverticulosis, and ulcerative colitis, etc.

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What is barium used for?


Barium has a wide range of uses. Some are the following are the application of Barium and its compounds.


  1. Pigment:

Barium sulfate is used in pigment like lithopone, which is a permanent white pigment. Its colour does not change even expose to sulfides.


  1. Used in Optics:

Barium fluoride is a colourless compound used in optics for infrared applications.


  1. Fireworks:

Barium monochloride is used in green colour fireworks. Barium nitrate is also used for the yellow colour in fireworks.


  1. Radiocontrast agent:

Barium sulfate is used to enhance the visibility of the internal organs. It is given to the patient through enemas using  X-ray imaging of the digestive system to diagnose internal diseases of the colon.


  1. Drilling Fluid:

Barium sulfate is used as a drilling fluid in the drilling of oil wells.



How many electrons does barium have?


In an electrically neutral atom of Barium there are 56 electrons. The electronic configuration of barium is 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 3d10, 4s2, 4p6, 4d10, 5s2, 5p6, 6s2.


What is a barium sulfate?


It is a chemical inorganic compound of Barium and sulfate. The chemical formula for it is BaSO4. It is insoluble in water and has white crystals with no odour. The chief source of Barium and Barium sulfate is mineral barite.

It is used in pigments, Paper brightener, Catalyst support, Plastics filler, and drilling fluids.