Animal Communication With Humans | Animal Communication PDF


1. When a red deer stag or male songbird defends a certain area, he is showing

(a) altruism 

(b) competition

(c) territoriality

(d) dominance

Ans. c

2. Chemical signals passed between members of same species are called

(a) pheromones

(b) hormones

(c) waves

(d) sign

Ans. a

3. The different kinds of animal communications include

(a) tactile and auditory

(b) auditory, visual, tactile, olfactory and taste

(c) auditory and visual

(d) None of the above

Ans. b

4. Regurgitation of food by foraging honeybee to other bees is which type of communication

(a) tactile

(b) auditory

(c) visual

(d) taste

Ans. d

5. Male bluster beetles drumming female abdomen is which type of communication?

(a) Visual 

(b) Auditory

(c) Tactile

(d) Olfactory

Ans. c

6. Which among the following is ultimate auditory communication?

(a) Language

(b) Bee dancing

(c) Bird song

(d) Whale song

Ans. a

7. In some species of balloon flies males spin balloons of silk and carry them while flying. If a female approache one of the males and accepts his balloon, the two fly off to mate. This type of behaviour is example of

(a) courtship 

(b) territoriality

(c) foraging

(d) language

Ans. a

8. Defending a territory can mean exclusive access to all the following except

(a) predators

(b) food supply

(c) breeding areas

(d) places to raise young

Ans. a

9. What would be the best way for an animal to communicate its ownership of an area’s resources to other individuals that veset the area when the owner is not around?

(a) Visual display of plumage

(b) Producing sound signals

(c) Mark the boundaries of area with urine

(d) Show aggression

Ans. c

10. A state of reduced metabolism that occurs in animals living under intense heat is called

(a) hibernation 

(b) dormancy

(c) aestivation

(d) exothermy

Ans. c

Humans Communicate

11. Courtship behaviour has evolved through 

(a) instinct 

(b) natural selection

(c) reflex

(d) conditioning

Ans. b

12. Territoriality reduces

(a) competition

(b) communication

(c) learning

(d) instinctive behaviour

Ans. a

13. A state of reduced metabolism that occurs in animals living under very cold conditions is called  

(a) exothermy

(b) dormancy

(c) aestivation

(d) hibemation

Ans. d

14. The fights between animals of same species are usually  

(a) instinctive 

(b) over food

(c) symbolic

(d) to death

Ans. c

15. Communication

(a) innate and learned

(b) accomplished only by mammals

(c) learned only

(d) innate only

Ans. a

16. An exogenous stimulus comes fromeh

(a) innate releasing mechanism

(b) pituitary gland

(c) endocrine system

(d) external environment

Ans. d

17. The senses of taste and smell use 

(a) chemoreceptors

(b) photoreceptors

(c) mechanoreceptors

(d) Both (b) and (c)

Ans. a

18. What type of communication is long lasting and works at night?

(a) Olfactory

(b) Visual

(c) Auditory

(d) Tactile

Ans. c

19. Animals show parental care to

(a) protect territory

(b) getting a mate

(c) reduce energy expenditure in reproduction

(d) None of the above

Ans. c

20. Crypsis is a type of

(a) offensive behaviour

(b) defensive behaviour

(c) courtship behaviour

(d) foraging behaviour

Ans. b

Chimpanzees Communication

21. Branch of biology studies which deals with the study of human and animal raws is called as

(a) Palaeontology 

(b) Entomology

(c) Icthyology

(d) Ethology

Ans. d

22. Meaning of FAP or stereotyped pattern is

(a) first action pattern

(b) full action pattern 

(c) field action pattern

(d) fixed action pattern

Ans. c

23. Movement towards the source of stimulation is termed as

(a) negative taxis 

(b) positive taxis

(c) neutral taxis

(d) geotaxis

Ans. b

24. Animal movement towards light is called as  

(a) geotaxis

(b) phototaxis

(c) thermotaxis

(d) chemotaxis

Ans. b

25. The best example of klinokinesis is shown by

(a) ticks

(b) wood louse 

(c) lice

(d) miters

Ans. b

26. Male baboons establish higher or lower rankings among themselves through confrontations, this determines their

(a) altruism

(b) territoriality

(c) dominance hierarchy

(d) foxed action pattern

Ans. c

27. Which of the following is related to sexual selection?

(a) Female birds often choose brighty coloured males

(b) Aggressive males are usually choose by females

(c) Male baboons are larger than females

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

28. Aggressive behaviour between sexual rivals

(a) is characteristically non-violent

(b) results in death or injury of opponent

(c) occurs equally armong females as among males

(d) None of the above

Ans. b

29. Courtship behaviour in animals involve all of the following except

(a) visual cues

(b) acoustic signals 

(c) chemical signals

(d) All of these

Ans. d

30. Female of many species choose dominant male because

(a) this way they are selecting the best gene

(b) so that more offsprings are produced

(c) they live longer

(d) offsprings produced well live longer

Ans. a

Human and Animal Communication

31. Preening is a type of courtship ritual in birds which shows

(a) there is no aggression between the pair and allows close contact and bonding

(b) that male will bring food for female

(C) infestation by any pest is not there

(d) None of the above

Ans. a

32. In the animal kingdom, courtship rituals are largely performed by males to attract females because

(a) females are a limited resource as they do not mate several times like males 

(b) males are larger than females

(c) males are more attractive

(d) None of the above

Ans. a

33. Which of the following is a courtship ritual?

(a) Waggie dance by bees

(b) Plumage display by birds of paradise

(c) Back rubbing in alligators

(d) Both (b) and (c)

Ans. d

Animal Behaviour Quiz | Animal Behavior Quiz Answers | Visual Communication in Animals pdf | Animal Communication Types | Types of Animal Communication | Animals can Communicate | Communication in Primates

34. A communal courtship arena on which several males hold courtship territories to attract females and mate with them is called pivi

(a) micro environment

(b) alek

(c) courtship stage

(d) nekton

Ans. b

35. The best test of relatedness of two species is in similarity of their

(a) DNA

(b) courtship behaviour 

(c) development

(d) anatomy

Ans. a

36. In species whose young are precocial, the father is more likely to be

(a) monogamous 

(b) polyandrous

(c) polygamous

(d) monandrous

Ans. c

37. The first assumption of the optimal foraging theory is

(a) optimal foraging results from natural selectioni

(b) natural selection will only favour behaviour that maximises energy return

(c) natural selection selects foraging behaviour that maximises the size of the prey sought

(d) optimal foraging is genetically determined

Ans. b

38. When birds such as the great tit are removed from their territory

(a) they tend to be replaced by the same number of birds

(b) the territories are left vacant

(c) they are replaced by the local birds to the exciusive of new members

(d) they are replaced by a greater number of birds

Ans. a

39. Sexual selection involves

(a) fighting for the right to mate

(b) acquiring characteristics that improve chances for mating

(c) social factors that may outweigh ecologicai factor

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

40. The removal of shells from the nest as gull chicks hatch

(a) proved to be a mistake because it let only good eggs to attract predators

(b) is an inhented act that has outlived its usefulness

(c) reduces predation on the remaining eggs

(d) represents as fetish for a tidy nest

Ans. c