Cell Structure and Function MCQ with Answers | Cell the unit of life NEET Questions


1. Lysosomes are the

(a) digestive centres

(b) respiratory centres

(c) excretory centres

(d) energy centres

Ans. a

2. Electron transport system is located in

(a) mitochondrial matrix 

(b) cytosol

(c) cristae

(d) All of these

Ans. a

3. The acrosome of the sperm is formed from the

(a) mitochondria 

(b) centrosome

(c) lysosome

(d) Golgi bodies

Ans. d

4. The percentage amount of integral protein of plasma membrane is

(a) 40%

(b) 50%

(c) 60%

(d) 70%

Ans. d

5. Oligosaccharide are usually attached to the extrinsic phase of plasma membrane by

(a) proteins

(b) lipids

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Not specific

Ans. c

6. The internal skeleton of a cell is composed of

(a) microtubules, intermediate filaments and microfilaments

(b) cellulose and intermediate filaments

(c) cellulose, microtubules and centrioles

(d) microfilaments  

Ans. a

7. Select the correct statement concerning membrane

(a) carbohydrates are only tfound associated with the membranes of prokaryotic cells

(b) glucose is the most abundant membrane carbohydrate

(c) cell membranes consist of protein and phospholipid carbohydrate is not a membrane component

(d) membrane carbohydrates function primarily in cell-cell recognition

Ans. d

8. Collagens are

(a) high in glycine, hydroxylysine and hydroxyproline content

(b) the most abundant proteins in vertebrates

(c) the most abundant component of the extracellular matrix in animals

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

Cell the unit of life mcq for neet pdf | NEET Questions on cell the unit of life | Cell the unit of life questions for neet

9. The ECM of animals, consists of which three classes of molecules?

(a) Protein polysaccharides, structural proteins microtubules

(b) Structural proteins, lipid bilayers, adhesive glycoproteins

(c) Lipoproteins, polysaccharides and adhesive glycoproteins

(d) Structural proteins, protein polysaccharides, adhesive and glycoproteins

Ans. d

10. The fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane given by Singer and Nicolson is applicable to

(a) only prokaryotic membrane

(b) only eukaryotic membrane

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) only to organelle membranes

Ans. c

11. In the Krebs’ cycle, the electrons move from NADH to

(a) FADH2

(b) pyruvate

(c) ethanol

(d) oxygen

Ans. a

12. Type of lipid generally contained in biomembrane are

(a) lecithin 

(b) cephalin

(c) cholesteral

(d) All of these

Ans. d

13. Which of the following is not true for the nuclear envelopet

(a) The nuclear envelope is exactly like other cellular membranes

(b) The nuclear envelope separates the genetic material the cytoplasm

(c) The nuclear envelope is a pair of concentric membranes

(d) The nuclear enveiope is studded with pores

Ans. a

14. Organelle that lacks the property of self-replicating.

(a) Centriole 

(b) Mitochondria

(c) Ribosome

(d) Plastid

Ans. c

15. Which cellular organelle functions in ribosome synthesis

(a) Endoplasmic reticulum 

(b) Nucleolus

(c) Nucleus

(d) Golgi bodies

Ans. b

16. The centriole/centrosome takes part in.

(a) nucleus formation 

(b) start of cell division

(c) cell plate formation

(d) spindle formation

Ans. d

17. Golgi vesicles are move towards

(a) concave side

(b) convex side

(c) equally distributed

(d) None of these

Ans. a

18. Which of the following show selective permeability?  

(a) Cell membrane 

(b) Cytoplasm

(c) Cell wall

(d) Protoplasm

Ans. a

19. Granules of nucleolus are precursor of

(a) RNA 

(b) ribosome

(c) lysosome

(d) chromosome

Ans. b

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20. In muscle cells the .. is specialised for the storage and release of calcium.

(a) smooth ER

(b) Golgi apparatus 

(c) contractile vacuoles

(d) rough ER

Ans. a

21. Cytochrome oxidase and cytochrome-c deficiency in mitochondria causes.

(a) Menke’s disease

(b) Kearns-Sayre syndrome and Menke’s disease

(c) Kearns-Sayre syndrome

(d) Leber’s optic neuropathy

Ans. b

22. Photophosphorylation occurs in

(a) plastids

(b) mitochondria

(c) cytoplasm

(d) cell membrane

Ans. a

23. In the plasma membrane the functional as well structural role is played by

(a) proteins 

(b) lipids

(c) cholesterol

(d) oligosaccharides

Ans. a

24. The middle lamella of plant cells is made up of calcium magnesium pectate. Pectic acid is polymer of

(a) alpha-1, 4 D-glucose

(b) alpha-1, 6D glucose

(c) alpha-1, 4 D-galactouronic acid

(d) None of the above

Ans. c

25. Which of the following would not be considered part of cell’s cytoplasm?

(a) A ribosome

(b) The nucleus

(c) A mitochondrion

(d) A microtubule

Ans. b

26. Components of 70 S ribosomes are

(a) 50 S and 30S 

(b) 50 S and 20 S

(c) 40 S and 40S

(d) 40 S and 3O S

Ans. a

27. A non-living structure of cell is

(a) cell wall 

(b) plasma membrane

(c) cytoplasm

(d) nucleus

Ans. a

28. Cell organelle devoid of DNA is

(a) ribosomes 

(b) nucleus

(c) plastid

(d) mitochondria

Ans. a

29. The another name for ribosome is

(a) microsome 

(b) RNA particle

(c) dictyosome

(d) oxisome

Ans. b

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30. Organelle found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes

(a) mitochondria 

(b) ribosome

(c) nucleoli

(d) plastids

Ans. b

31. The smallest cell of human body is known to be

(a) WBC 

(b) RBC

(c) nerve cell

(d) egg cell

Ans. b

32. Identify the cell organelle which is not found in human cell

(a) ribosome 

(b) mitochondria

(c) centriole

(d) mesosome

Ans. d

33. The smallest known living cell till now are

(a) mycoplasma 

(b) blue-green algae

(c) RBC

(d) nerve cell

Ans. a

34. In enkaryotic cells, the cellular organelles are found to be embedded in

(a) protoplasm

(b) cytosol

(c) cytoplasm

(d) nucleoplasm

Ans. b

35. In a typical eukaryotic cell, the region between nucleus and plasma mambrane is known as

(a) lumen

(b) cytoplasm

(c) karyoplasm

(d) nucleoplasm

Ans. b

36. What does the flagella of bacteria possess? 

(a) Tubulin protein

(b) 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules

(c) Single unit of flagollin protein

(d) 9+0 arrangerment of microtubules

Ans.  c

37. Which of the following has a covered nuclear material?

(a) Bacteria and tungi only

(b) Plant cell

(c) Mycoplasma

(d) Bacteria and blue-green algae

Ans. b

38. In bacteria, mitochondria is substituted by

(a) ribosome

(b) nucleoid

(c) Golgi bodies

(d) cell membrane and mesosome

Ans. d

39. In addition to the cellulose, cell wall of bacteria contains

(a) glycoproteins

(b) muramic acid

(c) oligosaccharide

(d) lipoproteins

Ans. b

40. The word prokaryote denotes 

(a) with many nucleus

(b) with one nucleus

(c) with diffused nucieus

(d) without chloroplast

Ans. c

Cell structure and function class 8 mcq

41. Identify the statement which is correct for the animal cells.

(a) They lack cell wall

(b) They have an independent structure

(c) They have definite structure

(d) They can never have chloroplast

Ans. c

43. DNA along with the histonic protenis is considered as the genetic material found in

(a) plastid 

(b) eukaryotes

(c) E coli

(d) mitochondria

Ans. a

44. Basic function of cell membrane contributes in

(a) regulating the flow of material into and outside the cell

(b) maintaining the cell shape and size

(c) controlling all cellular activities

(d) storing cel material

Ans. a

45. Model known as fluid mosaic has similarity to the Roberts on model in

(a) arrangement of lipids

(b) arrangement of proteins

(c) number of protein layers

(d) the presence of glycoproteins

Ans. b

46. Which of the following denotes the elasticity of biomembrane in animal cells?

(a) Extrinsic protein 

(b) Intrinsic proteins

(c) Carbohydrates

(d) Lipids

Ans. d

47. The complex formed by the linkage of carbohydrates in the membrane with lipids is

(a) glycolipid

(b) sphingolipid

(c) phospholipid

(d) cholesterol

Ans. a

48. ‘Protein iceberg in the sea of lipid’. This statement was used for

(a) unit membrane model

(b) sandwitch model

(c) fluid mosaic model

(d) Danielle model

Ans. c

49. Which of the organelle is/are not membrane bounds?

(a) Ribosome 

(b) Nucleolus

(c) Centriole

(d) All of these

Ans. d

50. What will happen if any part of a cell membrane gets damaged?

(a) Cell will die due to starvation

(b) New plasma membrane will start growing

(c) Exchange of material will get stopped

(d) None of the above

Ans. b

51. ER is absent in all except

(a) prokaryotes 

(b) liver cells

(c) mature RBCS

(d) embryonic cells

Ans. b

52. Name the substance that fails to pass across the cell membrane by simple diffusion.

(a) CO2

(b) H20

(c) O2

(d) H+

Ans. d

53. Golgi complex originates from

(a) nuclear membrane

(b) cell plate

(c) ribosome 

(d) ER

Ans. d

54. What is the common between chloroplasts, chromoni and leucoplasts?

(a) The presence of pigments

(b) Possession of thylakoids and grana

(c) Storage of strach, proteins and lipid

(d) Ability to multiply by a fission-like process

Ans. d

55. Which of the following subunit of ribosome is compose of 23 S FRNA and a 5 S FRNA and 32 different proteins? 

(a) 50 S

(b) 70 S

(c) 30 S

(d) 60 S

Ans. a

56. Fat is stored in the plant cell in

(a) lysosome 

(b) peroxisome

(c) sphaerosome

(d) microsome

Ans. c

57. The membrane around the vacuole is called  

(a) vacuoplast

(b) leucoplast

(c) cytoplast

(d) tonoplast

Ans. d

58. Structure of nuclear envelope facilitates:

(a) spindle organisation

(b) separation of daughter chromosome

(c) synapsis of homologous chromosome

(d) nucleocytoplasmic exchange of materials

Ans. d

59. Which of the following phenomena is commonly referred as ‘cell drinking’?

(a) Pinocytosis 

(b) Exocytosis

(c) Endocytosis

(d) Phagocytosis

Ans. a

60. Which of the following is not a connection between plasma membrane of adjacent cell?

(a) Desmosome 

(b) Tight junction

(c) Gap junction

(d) Transverse junction

Ans. d