1. Organ that produces bile is

(a) pancreas 

(b) oesophagus

(c) liver

(d) stomach

Ans. c

2. The component in bile which helps to emulsify fat in the duodenum is

(a) bile salts 

(b) biliverdin

(c) bilirubin

(d) cholesterol

Ans. a

3. The HCl in gastric juice converts

(a) disaccharide to monosaccharide

(b) pepsinogen to pepsin

(c) prorennin to rennin

(d) polypeptide to peptide

Ans. b

4. Enzyme that is found on the mucous of the intestinal villi is

(a) peptidase 

(b) trypsin

(c) amylase

(d) lipase

Ans. a

5. The glucose is converted into glycogen in liver and stored in

(a) liver and spleen

(b) liver and muscle

(c) liver

(d) spleen and muscles

Ans. b

6. The movements in the gut wall are known as 

(a) metachronal

(b) diastole

(c) systole

(d) peristalsis

Ans. d

7. Which one of the following statements is true regarding digestion and absorption of food in human?

(a) About 60% of starch is hydrolysed by salivary amylase in our mouth

(b) Oxyntic cells in our stomach secrete the proenzyme pepsinogen

(c) Fructose and amino acids are absorbed through intestinal mucosa with the help of carrier ions like Na

(d) Chylomicrons are small lipoprotein particles that are transported from intestine into blood capillaries

Ans. c

8. The energy needed to fuel for essential body processes is called

(a) essential nutrient level

(b) recommended dailly allowance

(c) optimum energy intake

(d) basal metabolic rate

Ans. d

9. The energy content of fats

(a) is released by bile salts

(b) may be lost unless an herbivore eats some of its faeces

(c) is approximately two times that of carbohydrate or protein

(d) can reverse the effects of malnutrition

Ans. c

10. Peyer’s patches found in the small intestine are

(a) epithelial tissue

(b) glandular tissue

(c) lymphatic tissue

(d) haemopoietic tissue

Ans. c

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11. Which of the following is more likely to be found in animals with gastrovascular cavities than in those with alimentary canals?

(a) A large surface area for absorption of predigested nutrients

(b) Extracellular digestion

(c) Intracellular digestion

(d) Suspension feeding

Ans. c

12. Ruminants

(a) have teeth adapted for an omnivorous duct

(b) use microorganisms to digest cellulose

(c) eat their faeces to obtain nutrients digested from cellulose by microorganisms

(d) house symbiotic bacteria and microorganisms in a caecum

Ans. B

13. Zymogens are

(a) hormones that stimulate release of pancreatic enzymes

(b) enzymes attached to the brush border that hydrolyse nucleosides

(c) hydrolytic enzymes manufactured in inactive forms to protect the cells that produce them

(d) protein digesting enzymes that are activated by hydrochloric acid

Ans. c

14. The acidic pH of our stomach

(a) hydrolyses proteins

(b) is regulated by the release of gastrin

(c) is neutralised by gastric juice

(d) triggers the release of enterogasterone

Ans. b

15. After a meal of greasy french fries, which hormones and enzymes would you except to be most active?

(a) Salivary. pancreatic amylase and disaccharidases

(b) Bile salts, lipase and enterogasterone

(c) Pepsin, trypsin, chymotropsin, amino carboxypeptidases, dipeptidases and CCK

(d) Both (a) and (b)

Ans. d

16. Chylomicrons are

(a) lipoproteins transported by the circulatory system

(b) small branches of the lymphatic system

(c) protein-coated fat globules excreted out of epithelial cell Into a lacteal

(d) small peptides acted upon by chymotrypsin

Ans. c

17. Laxatives work in the large intestine to relieve constipation. Which of the following would probably not be an effective laxative ? A substance that

(a) contains lots of fibre

(b) promotes water absorption in the large intestine

(c) speeds up movement of material through the large intestine

(d) decreases water absorption in the large intestine

Ans. b

19. Imaging that you have eaten a meal containing the following nutrients. Which would not have to be digested before being absorbed?

(a) Protein 

(b) Polysaccharide

(c) Nucleic acid

(d) Amino acid

Ans. d

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21. Which of the answers below would not work in the following sentence? ‘In order for the body to absorb and use …., they must be broken down by hydrolysis into

(a) polysaccharides; monosaccharides

(b) amino acids; proteins

(c) fats; glycerol and fatty acids

(d) disaccharides; monosaccharides

Ans. a

22. Gastric juice is in nature

(a) acidic 

(b) alkaline

(c) neutral

(d) slightly alkaline

Ans. a

23. Trypsinogen is converted into active trypsin by the action of

(a) CCK 

(b) enterocrinin

(c) enterokinase

(d) secretion

Ans. c

24. Which cells produces gastric enzyme?

(a) acells

(b) Oxyntic cells 

(c) Chief cells

(d) Beta-cells

Ans. c

25. The process of action of bile called

(a) oxidation

(b) emuisification

(c) esterification

(d) dehydrogenation

Ans. b

26. Digestive enzyme which is not found in human pancreatic juice is

(a) nucieotidase 

(b) trypsin

(c) lipase

(d) pepsin

Ans. a

27. Which teeth are used to pierce and tear the flesh?

(a) Incisors

(b) Canines

(c) Premolars

(d) Molars

Ans. b

28. Identify the type of salivary gland out of the following

(a) Lacrymal gland

(b) Islet of Lieberkuhn

(c) Sublingual

(d) Brunner’s gland

Ans. c

29. In tooth, the hardest part is considered to be  

(a) enamel 

(b) odontoblast layer

(c) dental tubules

(d) dentine

Ans. a

30. Name functional unit for the absorption of digested food

(a) Brunner’s gland

(b) Peyer’s patches 

(c) Cryps of Lieberkuhn

(d) Villi

Ans. d

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31. The presence of vestibule is a major characteristic of

(a) mammals

(b) amphibians

(c) reptiles

(d) All of these

Ans. a

32. HCl of gastric juice is produced by   

(a) oxyntic cells

(b) chief cells

(c) columnar cells

(d) goblet cells

Ans. a

33. In mammalian body, the largest gland is  

(a) pancreas

(b) liver

(c) parotid

(d) submaxillary

Ans. b

34. Identify the functions performed by liver out of the following given below.

I. Detoxification   II. Heat production III. Glycogenesis IV. Insulin synthesis Codes

(a) I and II

(b) Il and IV

(c) II and IV

(d) I, Il and III

Ans.  d

35. Vermiform appendix is a part of

(a) stomach

(b) pancreas 

(c) intestine

(d) liver

Ans. c

36. The largest oral glands are found in which of the following?

(a) Fish

(b) Amphibian 

(c) Reptiles

(d) Mammal

Ans. d

37. Name the enzyme produced by the gastric glands during digestion of food.

(a) Ptyalin

(b) Trypsin

(c) Pepsin

(d) Insulin

Ans. c

38. Microvilli in intestine serve to

(a) release digestive enzyme

(b) increase membrane area for absorption

(c) protect cells from invading microorganisms

(d) establish inter-cellular contact

Ans. b

39. If pancreas is removed, the compound which remains undigested, is

(a) carbohydrate

(b) fat

(c) protein

(d) All of these

Ans. d

40. Which of the following does not produce any digestive enzyme?  

(a) Mouth 

(b) Liver

(c) Pancreas

(d) Gastric mucosa

Ans. b

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41. Gall bladder is absent in

(a) cat

(b) horse

(c) man

(d) dog

Ans. b

42. HCl of the gastric juice

(a) activates ptyalin and inactivates pepsin

(b) inactivates ptyalin and activates pepsin

(c) activates both ptyalin and pepsin

(d) inactivates both ptyalin and pepsin

Ans. b

43. Ptyalin prefers… media.

(a) strongly acidic 

(b) slightly acidic

(c) slightly neutral

(d) strongly alkaline

Ans. b

44. Fat digestion is facilitated by

(a) bile juice 

(b) pancreatic juice

(c) gastric juice

(d) None of these

Ans. a

45. Which of the following enzymes digest protein in stomach?

(a) Trypsin 

(b) Pepsin

(c) Crepsin

(d) None of these

Ans. b

46. Bilirubin and biliverdin are

(a) bile salts

(b) bile pigments

(c) enzymes

(d) None of these

Ans. b

47. Gall stones cause

(a) anaemia 

(b) obstructive jaundice

(c) kidney failure

(d) dysentery

Ans. b

48. In mammals, the digestion of starch starts from

(a) mouth 

(b) storriach

(c) oesophagus

(d) duodenum

Ans. a

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49. If we take food rich in lime juice, then action of ptyalin on starch

(a) is enhanced

(b) is reduced

(c) is unaffected 

(d) will stop

Ans. d

50. One of the digestive juices that lacks enzyme, but aids digestion is

(a) bile 

(b) succus entericus

(c) chyle

(d) chyme

Ans. a

51. The contraction of gall bladder is due to

(a) gastrin

(b) secretin

(c) cholecystokinin

(d) enterogasterone

Ans. c

52. Trypsin is secreted by 

(a) pancreas 

(b) pituitary

(c) thyroid

(d) thymus

Ans. a

53. Which of the following is not a function of liver?

(a) Production of bile 

(b) Production of insulin

(c) Glycogen storage

(d) Detoxification

Ans. b

54. A person is passing grey white faecal mater. What is not functioning properly in the body?

(a) Kidney 

(b) Liver

(c) Spleen

(d) Pancreas

Ans. b

55. Emulsification is the function of

(a) bile 

(b) lipases

(c) esterases

(d) proteases

Ans. a

56. Pepsin acts in

(a) basic medium 

(b) acidio medium

(c) neutral medium

(d) All types of media

Ans. b

57. A woman takes dairy products, she complains of diarrhoea and stomach ache. She does not complain when she consumes food other than the dairy product. She is suffering with deficiency of which of these enzymes?

(a) Rennin

(b) Lactase

(c) Lipase

(d) Trypsin

Ans. b

58. If the chyme of a person who had orally consumed only starch as food is analysed before it enters the duodenum, it will show the presence of

(a) dextrin and maltose

(b) maltose and glucose

(c) starch, dextrin and maltose

(d) starch, dextrin and glucose

Ans. b

Multiple Choice Questions on Digestion and Absorption | Food and Digestion MCQs

60. Removal of stomach produces

(a) dumping syndrome 

(b) Turner’s syndrome

(c) emphysema

(d) midget

Ans. a

61. Which one is incorrectly matched?

(a) Rennin

(b) Ptyalin

(c) Pepsin

(d) Trypsin Liver Mouth Stomach Intestine

Ans. a

62. The process of digestion proceeds in this order.

(a) Digestion → Ingestion → Solution→ Absorption → Egestion

(b) Ingestion → Digestion → Absorption→ Assimilation → Egestion

(c) Ingestion →Solution→ Absorption → Accumulation → Egestion

(d) Ingestion → Digestion→Absorption → and solution → Egestion

Ans. b

63. HCI present in the gastric juice converts

(a) pepsinogen to pepsin

(b) polypeptides to peptides

(c) disaccharides to monosaccharides

(d) prorennin to rennin

Ans. a

64. The major site of protein digestion is

(a) gullet 

(b) stomach

(c) small intestine

(d) oral cavity

Ans. b

65. Just as hydrochloric acid is for pepsinogen, so is the

(a) haemoglobin for oxygen

(b) enterokinase for trypsinogen

(c) bile juice for fat

(d) glucagon for glycogen

Ans. b