Zoology MCQ Online Test | Zoology MCQs | Economic Zoology


1. Mulberry silkworm is

(a) Bombyx mori 

(b) Attacus atlas

(c) Antheraea mylitta

(d) Antheraea assamensis

Ans. a

2. Muga silk is produced by

(a) Antheraea pernyi

(b) Antheraea assamensis

(c) Antheraea mylitta

(d) Bombyx mori

Ans. b

3. Oak tasar silk is produced by

(a) Bombyx mori

(b) Antheraea assamensis

(c) Antheraea proyeli

(d) None of these

Ans. c

4. Worker bees emerge from

(a) fertilised eggs

(b) unfertilised eggs

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

Ans. a

5. Katla is a

(a) surface feeder

(b) column feeder

(c) bottom feeder 

(d) None of these

Ans. a

6. Sahiwal is a breed of

(a) buffalo 

(b) sheep

(c) goat

(d) cow

Ans. d

7. Cow pox is caused by

(a) arbovirus 

(b) canarypox virus

(c) orthopoxvirus

(d) hordeivirus

Ans. c

8. Foot and mouth disease in bovids is caused by

(a) phytoreo virus 

(b) picorna virus

(c) una virus

(d) None of these

Ans. b

9. Mrigal is a

(a) bottom feeder fish

(b) column feeder

(c) surface feeder

(d) None of the above

Ans. a

10. Karl von Frisch worked on which bee variety

(a) Apis floria 

(b) Apis mellifera

(c) Apis cerena

(d) Apis dorsata

Ans. c

Sericulture MCQ With Answers

11. If bee larva is fed with bee breed it develops into

(a) queen

(b) worker bee

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Neither queen nor worker bee

Ans. b

12. Royal jelly is produced from which gland of worker bee

(a) mandibular gland

(b) wax gland

(c) abdominal gland

(d) antennal gland

Ans. a

13. Which part of metathoracic leg of worker bee is modified into pollen basket?

(a) Femur

(b) Tibia

(c) Tarsal claws

(d) Trochanter

Ans. b

14. The introduction of new species and the escape of exotic species from aquaculture into indigenous water will be of concern because these species  

(a) have potential to alter the new host environment

(b) can introduce parasites and diseases

(c) can contribute genetic degradation of local fish

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

15. A producer of freshwater prawns can safely and effectively control insects that would otherwise eat juvenile prawns by

(a) using paddle to aerate the pond

(b) spraying pond with insecticides

(c) making a motor oil and diesel or film on the surface of water

(d) None of the above

Ans. c

16. In chickens infected with Borrelia anserina, gross lesion is characteristically found in the

(a) liver

(b) heart

(c) spieen

(d) lungs

Ans. d

17. Moulds causing spoilage of eggs include species of

(a) Cladosporium 

(b) Mucor

(c) Thamnidium

(d) All of these

Ans. d

18. Which of the following is an indigenous poultry variety?

(a) Kalamasi

(b) Aseel

(c) Leghom

(d) Both (a) and (b)

Ans. d

19. Earthworms which are seen on the surface are called

(a) epigeic 

(b) endogeic

(c) annecic

(d) hygienic

Ans. a

20. Which of the following is employed for rearing of earthworms?

(a) Bamboo tray

(b) Apiary

(c) Vermi box

(d) Poultry farm

Ans. c

Economic Zoology pdf | Economic Zoology Notes | Trends in economic zoology pdf

21. What is the scientific name of Indian bee? 

(a) Apis indica

(b) Apis florea

(c) Apis dorsata

(d) Apis mellifera

Ans. a

22. Honey does not contain one of the following

(a) maltose

(b) fructose 

(c) enzyme

(d) dextrose

Ans. b

23. Eri silk is produced by

(a) Bombyx mori

(b) Pholistone ricini

(c) Antheraea assamensis

(d) Antheraea mylitta

Ans. b

24. Silk glands are modified from

(a) salivary gland

(b) lacrymal gland

(c) sweat gland

(d) sebaceous gland

Ans. c

25. Which one among the following is poisonous fish?

(a) Whale 

(b) Sting ray

(c) Shark

(d) Rohu

Ans. b