MCQ on Ecosystem with Answers PDF | Ecology Questions for NEET pdf


1. Ecology is connected with the study of

(a) environmental factors

(b) effect of plants on environment

(c) plant adaptations

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

2. The term ‘ecology’ was actually coined by

(a) Aristotle

(b) Reiter

(c) Linnaeus

(d) Odum

Ans. b

3. Climate zone between 20-40°C is

(a) sub-tropical 

(b) temperate

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) temperate and sub-Arctic

Ans. a

4. Winters are absent in climatic zone

(a) sub-tropical 

(b) tropical

(c) alpine

(d) Arctic

Ans. b

5. Aquatic plants generally have a

(a) weil-developed vascular system

(b) reduced vascular system

(c) well-developed root system

(d) well-developed stomatal system

Ans. b

Environmental Studies MCQ with Answers pdf | Environmental Science MCQs

6. Succession of communities occurs because

(a) each existing community changes the environment

(b) climatic changes lead to reduced water availability

(c) most population have a limited lifespan and die making room for others

(d) resources in an area are limited

Ans. a

7. A lake with rich nutrients is known as

(a) euphotic 

(b) eutrophic

(c) aphotic

(d) oligotrophic

Ans. b

8. Study of inter-relationships between organisms and their environment is

(a) ecology 

(b) ecosystem

(c) phytogeography

(d) ethology

Ans. a

9. Study of inter-relationship between an entire community and its environment is

(a) autecology 

(b) resource ecology

(c) species ecology

(d) synecology

Ans. d

10. Tropical zone extends from 

(a) 0-30°C

(b) 0-20°C

(c) 10-23°C

(d) 5-30°C

Ans. b

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11. A plant devoid of roots is

(a) Wolffia/Ceratophyllum 

(b) Vallisneria

(c) Hydrilla

(d) Azolla

Ans. a

Environment and Ecology MCQ for UPSC PDF

12. Mean annual temperature of tropical zone is  

(a) 10°C

(b) 16°C

(c) 24°C

(d) 30°C

Ans. c

13. The floating leaves of an aquatic plant has

(a) stomata on the upper surface

(b) stomata on the lower surface

(c) stomata on both the surfaces

(d) no stomata

Ans. a

14. In sub-merged hydrophytes, the stomata occurs

(a) on lower surface 

(b) on upper surface

(c) no where

(d) Both (a) and (b)

Ans. c

15. Thick cuticle occurs on the leaves of plants belonging to

(a) cool habitats

(b) warm habitats 

(c) dry habitats

(d) wet habitats

Ans. c

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16. Weather represents

(a) short term properties of atmosphere

(b) seasonal changes in atmosphere

(c) average variations of atmospheric conditions

(d) All of the above

Ans. a

17. Sub-merged hydrophytes have a well developed

(a) vascular system

(b) aerenchyma

(c) root system

(d) stomatal system

Ans. b

18. Stem of sub-merged hydrophytes is soft and weak because of

(a) the absence of phloem

(b) the absence of stomata

(c) the absence of xylem

(d) feebly developed supporting tissue and xylem

Ans. d

19. Which one is the famous plant ecologist of India?

(a) Charles Darwin 

(b) Ramdev Mishra

(c) Birbal Sahani

(d) Jagdish Chandra Bose

Ans. b

20. The role of an organism in ecological system is known as

(a) habitat 

(b) herbivory

(c) niche

(d) interaction

Ans. c

Environmental Science and Engineering MCQ pdf | Environmental Science MCQ Questions

21. The primary consumers in a pond ecosystem is

(a) phytoplankton 

(b) zooplankton

(c) fishes

(d) bacteria

Ans. b

22. The organic substances which decompose slowly are

(a) chitin 

(b) lignin

(c) cellulose

(d) All of these

Ans. d

23. The food chain which start from microorganism is

(a) terrestrial food chain

(b) grazing food chain

(c) detritus food chain

(d) predator food chain

Ans. c

24. Decomposers are always

(a) autotrophs 

(b) primary consumers

(c) saprotrophs

(d) heterotrophs

Ans. c

25. The type of food chain in which decomposed organic matter is converted into energy rich compound is called

(a) detritus food chain 

(b) grazing food chain

(c) cybernatics

(d) None of these

Ans. a

26. Consumers are also known as

(a) reducers

(b) transducers 

(c) consumers

(d) producers

Ans. a

27. Biotic community which shows the number of feeding connections is categorised as

(a) food chain 

(b) pyramid of number

(c) food web

(d) trophic levels  

Ans. c

28. Organism having wide range of degree of tolerance are

(a) stenotypic

(b) eurotypic

(c) ecotypics

(d) ecophenes

Ans. b

29. The efficiency of any ecosystem is best depicted by the pyramid of

(a) energy 

(b) number

(c) biomass

(d) volume

Ans. a

30. Energy and nutrients enter a community by the way of

(a) producer 

(b) consumer

(c) scavenger

(d) detritivores

Ans. a

31. Which one is the factor of abiotic environment?

(a) Producer 

(b) Consumer

(c) Decomposer

(d) Air

Ans. d