Table of Contents

1. Mixtures and Compounds:


3. What is a mixture?

4. What is a homogeneous mixture?

5. What is a heterogeneous mixture?

6. What is the difference between a compound and a mixture?

7. What is a compound?



Mixtures and Compounds:

Mixture: In chemistry, a Mixture is something that is made of two or more substances that are not combined chemically. In the mixture, the identities of substances are retained. It is a physical combination of substances. It can be in the form of colloids,  suspensions, or solutions.

A mixture is made by blending two or more substances mechanically. The chemical properties of the constituents remain the same while some physical properties changed such as melting point. Different techniques are used to separate components of the mixture such as chromatography, distillation, centrifugation, filtration, or maybe through electrolysis.

Mixtures are divided mainly into two types, homogeneous and heterogeneous.

A homogenous mixture which also called a uniform mixture. In this type of mixture, particles are evenly distributed. It has a uniform composition. Air is an example of a Homogeneous mixture. It contains different types of gases and it is in one phase, Gaseous.

A heterogeneous mixture is sometimes referred to as a non-uniform mixture. It does not have a uniform composition and the components can be recognized easily. Seawater is an example of a heterogeneous mixture (Solution).




Compound: A compound is a substance that consisted of atoms from more than one element. These atoms must be chemically bonded to one another not physically like in a mixture. If a molecule is made of one type of atom it is not considered a compound.  In chemical compounds atoms, ions and molecules combine in a fixed proportion. Atoms, ions, and molecules in a compound had chemical bonds that make a chemical structure and a spatial arrangement. Components or composition of a compound can not be separated by physical techniques such as chromatography, distillation or centrifugation, etc.

There are different types of Compound such as Ionic compounds, Molecules, intermetallic compounds,s, and complexes (Coordination complexes). This classification is based on bonding (atomic, ionic and molecular, etc).



1. Components of a mixture can be separated by physical means while constituents of a compound can not be separated through physical means. (chromatography, distillation, and centrifugation, etc)

2. The chemical properties are the result of the substances in the mixture. But the chemical properties of the Compound are different from those of the elements which have.

3. the physical properties of a mixture such as color and density etc is an average of the properties of those components which is making it. But in a compound the physical properties are individual and the result of its elements.

4. Composition of mixture is varied while in compound components (element) are present in a fixed proportion by mass.

5. No energy is taken or given when a mixture is formed. But in the case of compound energy is taken and given out. (for bond formation and breaking).



What is a mixture?

In chemistry, a Mixture is something that is made of two or more substances that are not combined chemically. In the mixture, the identities of substances are retained. It is a physical combination of substances.


What is a homogeneous mixture?

A homogenous mixture which also called a uniform mixture. In this type of mixture, particles are evenly distributed. It has a uniform composition. Air is an example of a Homogeneous mixture.


What is a heterogeneous mixture?

A heterogeneous mixture is sometimes referred to as a non-uniform mixture. It does not have a uniform composition and the components can be recognized easily. Seawater is an example of a heterogeneous mixture.


What is the difference between a compound and a mixture?

A mixture is something that is made of two or more substances that are not combined chemically. In the mixture, the identities of substances are retained. It is a physical combination of substances.

A compound is a substance that consisted of atoms from more than one element. These atoms must be chemically bonded to one another not physically like in a mixture. If a molecule is made of one type of atom it is not considered a compound.


What is a compound?

A compound is a substance that consisted of atoms from more than one element. These atoms must be chemically bonded to one another not physically like in a mixture. If a molecule is made of one type of atom it is not considered a compound.  In chemical compounds atoms, ions and molecules combine in a fixed proportion.