Neural Control and Coordination NEET Questions

1. Which of the following statements is true?

(a) Peripheral nerve is similar to smooth muscle in terms of the connective tissue investment

(b) Most nerves contain afferent and efferent fibres and thus. carry both motor and sensory signals

(c) Nodes of Ranvier are most easily seen in cross-section of peripheral nerve

(d) None of the above

Ans. b

2. Which of the following cells is responsible for myelin formation in the peripheral nervous system?

(a) Astrocyte 

(b) Oligodendrocyte

(c) Schwann cell

(d) Microglial cell

Ans. c

3. The peripheral nervous system includes the

(a) somatic nervous system

(b) brain

(c) spinal cord

(d) nuclei

Ans. a

4. The system that controls smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and gland activity is the

(a) somatic nervous system

(b) autonomic nervous system

(c) skeletal division

(d) sensory nervous system

Ans. b

5. A neuron with many short dendrites and a single long axon is a

(a) multipolar neuron

(b) bipolar neuron

(c) unipolar neuron

(d) None of these

Ans. a

6. Most sensory neurons are ….. neurons.

(a) unipolar

(b) bipolar 

(c) multipolar

(d) Both (a) and (b)

Ans. c

7. Cells found in the choroid plexus that secrete cerebrospinal fluid are

(a) astrocytes

(b) microglia

(c) ependymal cells

(d) oligodendrocytes

Ans. c

8. The most likely type of fibre that would carry the impulse for a withdrawal reflex would be a  

(a) fibre because they carry the strongest action potentials

(b) fibre because they carry APs the fastest

(c) fibre because they carry APs the fastest

(d) fibre because they carry the strongest APs

Ans. b

9. Axons within nerves may have which of the following associated with them?

(a) Schwann cells

(b) Nodes of Ranvier

(c) Oligodendrocytes

(d) Both (a) and (b)

Ans. d

10. Action potentials are conducted more rapidly in

(a) srnail diameter axons than large diameter axons

(b) large diameter axons than small diameter axons

(c) unmyelinated axons than myelinated axons

(d) axons that lack a wrapping of Schwann cells

Ans. b

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11. Clusters of nerve cell bodies within the PNS are called

(a) neuron

(b) nerve

(c) ganglia

(d) lymph

Ans. c

12. Gray matter contains primarily 

(a) myelinated fibres 

(b) neuron cell bodies

(c) Schwann cells

(d) All of these

Ans. b

13. In the cochlea, the hair cells are contained by the

(a) tectorial membrane 

(b) tympanic membrane

(c) basilar membrane

(d) vestibular membrane

Ans. c

14. The amount of light entering the eye is determined by the size of the

(a) retina 

(b) conea

(c) pupil

(d) fovea

Ans. c

15. The cells responsible for colour vision in vertebrates are called

(a) rod cells 

(b) cone cells

(c) bipolar cells

(d) cupula cells

Ans. b

16. Each of the following is an amino acid derivative except

(a) epinephrine 

(b) melatonin

(c) thyroxine

(d) TSH

Ans. a

17. Corpus striatum is

(a) thin walled

(b) thick walled 

(c) ependymal

(d) None of these

Ans. b

18. Brain depends upon food for the supply of

(a) ATP and glucose 

(b) oxygen

(c) electrolytes

(d) O2 and glucose

Ans. d

19. Which does not act as neurotransmitter?

(a) Acetylcholine 

(b) Epinephrine

(c) Cortisone

(d) Norepinephrine

Ans. c

20. Ratio of Na* and K* ion across nerve membrane is 

(a) 50 : 40

(b) 60 30

(c) 30: 10

(d) 25: 10

Ans. d

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21. Which one is not a reflex action?

(a) Sneezing 

(b) Coughing

(c) Pawning

(d) Weeping

Ans. d

22. Ventricle connecting medulla oblongata with optical cord in

(a) 4th

(b) 5th

(c) 3rd

(d) 2nd

Ans. a

23. Longest nerve of head region is

(a) vagus

(b) trigeminal

(c) pathetic

(d) auditory

Ans. b

24. Synapse bringing together of

(a) 2 venules

(b) 2 veins

(C) 2 arteries

(d) 2 neurons

Ans. d

25. Cranial nerve showing maximum branching in

(a) trigeminal

(b) vagus

(c) optic

(d) facial

Ans. b

26. Which one is the spinal nerve?

(a) Trigeminal 

(b) Hypoglossal

(c) Oifactory

(d) None of these

Ans. d

27. Arbor vitae is composed of

(a) grey matter

(b) white matter

(c) neuroglia cells

(d) All of these

Ans. d

28. Vasomotor nerve are

(a) sympathetic

(b) parasympathetic

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

Ans. c

29. Nerve depolarisation is maintained by

(a) Ca2+

(b) Mg2+

(c) K+

(d) CI-

Ans. c

30. Vagus nerve is

(a) X

(b) IX

(c) VII

(d) V

Ans. a

Neural control and coordination neet questions pdf

31. Sixth crania? nerve is

(a) oculomotor

(b) olfactory

(c) optic

(d) abducens

Ans. d

32. The nerves carrying impulses to CNS are known as 

(a) motor

(b) efferent

(c) afferent

(d) mixed

Ans. c

33. Which part of nervous system is activated under stress?

(a) Autonomous nervous system

(b) Parasympathetic nervous system

(c) Sympathetic nervous system

(d) Spinal cord

Ans. c

34. Pons connects

(a) brain with spinal cord

(b) cerebrum with cerebellum

(c) two lobes of cerebellum

(d) two cerebral hemispheres

Ans. a

35. White matter of spinal cord contains

(a) nerve axons

(b) cell bodjes

(c) clusters of neurons and cell bodies

(d) motor neurons

Ans. a

36. Each cerebral hemisphere is divided into how many lobes?

(a) Three

(b) Four

(c) Five

(d) Six

Ans. b

37. The part of the hindbrain that is responsible for hand-eye  coordination is

(a) pons

(b) hippocampus

(c) medulla oblongata

(d) cerebellum

Ans. d

38. Transmission of nerve impulse at synapses is a

(a) biological process 

(b) physical process

(c) chemical process

(d) mechanical process

Ans. c

39. Myopia can be corrected by

(a) cylindrical lens

(b) bifocal lens

(c) biconvex lens

(d) biconcave lens

Ans. d

40. Which cranial nerve is purely sensory?

(a) Abducens 

(b) Auditory

(c) Vagus

(d) Spinal accessory

Ans. b

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41. Depolarisation of nerve cell involves

(a) influx of K+

(b) influx of Na+

(c) influx of Ca2+ and CI-

(d) efflux of Na+

Ans. b

42. Brain and spinal cord are

(a) etfectors 

(b) receptors

(c) nervous drgans

(d) intermediary neurons

Ans. c

43. The lacrimal gland is innervated by the

(a) tacial cranial nerve 

(b) optic cranial nerve

(c) ophthalmic nerve

(d) oculomotor cranial nerve

Ans. c

44. Movement of the eye outward away from the nose function of which muscle?

(a) Superior rectus 

(b) Lateral rectus

(c) Inferior oblique

(d) Superior oblique

Ans. b

45. Anerveconveying impulse from a tissue to nerve centra

(a) afferent 

(b) efferent

(c) mixed

(d) None of these

Ans. a

46. Man can see objects equally clear from various distanes due to  

(a) cornea

(b) conjunctiva

(c) eye lid

(d) ciliary muscles

Ans. d

47. Which one of these is the spinal nerve?  

(a) Trigeminal

(b) Hypoglossal

(c) Olfactory

(d) None of these

Ans. d

48. Saltatory conduction is superior to uninterrupted conduction because of

(a) less energy required 

(b) more speed

(c) less Na+/K+pump

(d) All of these

Ans. d

49. Respiration, heartbeat and peristalsis are controlled by

(a) medulla oblongata 

(b) hypothalamus

(c) amygdala

(d) cerebellum

Ans. a

50. The receptor organs for sense of hearing are located in

(a) cochlea

(b) utriculus

(c) sacculus

(d) middle ear

Ans. a

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51. Lens in man is

(a) biconvex

(b) biconcave 

(c) spherical

(d) cylindrical

Ans. a

52. Parasympathetic fibres arise from which set of cranial nerves?

(a) III, V, IX, X

(b) IV, V, IX, X

(c) II, VII, IX, X

(d) V, IX, X, XII

Ans. c

53. The autonomic nervous system is responsible for which function(s)?

(a) Motor 

(b) Sensory

(c) Motor and sensory

(d) None of these

Ans. b

54. Colour to the eye is imparted by

(a) lens

(b) pupil

(c) iris

(d) vitreous humour

Ans. c

55. The pigment that helps eye to see in dim light is

(a) iodopsin

(b) rhodopsin

(c) haemocyanin

(d) haematin

Ans. b

56. In man’s eye, the sclerotic layer is made up of  

(a) bone

(b) cartilage

(c) muscles and cartilage

(d) fibrous connective tissue

Ans. c

57. The rectus eye muscle capable of causing the eye ball to rurn laterally in a horizontal plane is innervated by which cranial nerve?

(a) Optic nerve 

(b) Abducens nerve

(c) Facial nerve

(d) Oculomotor nerve

Ans. b

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58. Which region of the brain is farthest from the spinal cord?

(a) Mesencephalon 

(b) Telencephalon

(c) Metencephalon

(d) Diencephalon

Ans. b

59. Which is not a lobe of the cerebrum?

(a) Parietal lobe

(b) Insula

(c) Occipital lobe

(d) Sphenoidal lobe

Ans. d

60. Acetylcholine takes part in KGIG

(a) enhancing membrane permeability

(b) synaptic transmission

(c) synaptic delay

(d) None of the above

Ans. b

61. Eye muscles are attached with

(a) sclerotic

(b) cornea

(c) choroid

(d) retina

Ans. a

62. The activities of equilibrium, balancing and coordination of muscles are governed by

(a) medulla oblongata

(b) cerebrum

(c) cerebellum

(d) pineal

Ans. c

63. Which two structures of the brain control respiration?

(a) Pons and hypothalamus

(b) Cerebrum and hypothalamus

(c) Pons and medulla oblongata

(d) Hypothalamus and pituitary gland

Ans. c

64. Ear drum is

(a) tensor tympani

(b) scala tympani 

(c) tympanic membrane

(d) scala vestibuli about the

Ans. c

65. Consider the following statements parasympathetic division of the ANS.

I. All its neurons release acetylcholine as their primary neurotransmitter substance

II. The cell bodies of its postganglionic neurons lie in or near the organ innervated

III. The cell bodies of its preganglionic neurons lie in the cervical and sacral spinal cord Of these statements

(a) All are true 

(b) None are true

(c) I and Il are true

(d) Il and III are true

Ans. c

66. II, VII, VIII and IX cranial nerves are

(a) optic, facial, auditory, glossopharyngeal

(b) optic, auditory, facial, hypoglossal

(c) oculomotor, auditory, abducens, hypoglossal

(d) optic, facial, abducens and glossopharyngeal

Ans. a

67. Synapse is bringing together of two

(a) venules 

(b) veins

(c) arteries

(d) neurons

Ans. d

68. Touch on the right side stimulate neurons on

(a) right somatic sensory area

(b) right somatic motor area

(c) left somatic sensory area

(d) Both (b) and (c)

Ans. c

69. Afferent nerve fibres carry impulses from

(a) effector organs to CNS

(b) receptors to CNS

(c) CNS to receptors

(d) CNS to muscles

Ans. b

70. Focal length of eye lens is changed by

(a) pupil 

(b) iris

(c) cornea

(d) ciliary body

Ans. c

71. The visual purple is concerned with bau to coqeT

(a) bright light

(b) dim light

(c) moderate light

(d) darkness

Ans. b

72. Convex lenses correct

(a) presbyopia 

(b) myopia

(c) hypermetropia

(d) glaucoma

Ans. c

73. Once the nerve has been stimulated, it cannot be stimulated again for sometime; this period is called the

(a) refractory period

(b) period of excitability

(c) period of summation

(d) None of the above

Ans. a

74. Organ of Corti sends information to brain through which cranical nerve?

(a) V

(b) VI

(c) VII

(d) VIII 

Ans. d

75. Which portion of the cochlea responds to low frequency sound waves?

(a) The portion closest to the vestibular window

(b) The middle portion

(c) The portion closest to the cochlear nerve

(d) The end portion

Ans. c