Psychology Objective Questions and Answers pdf

1. The word ‘Psychology’ was first used by-

(a) Watson

(b) Rudolf Geockle

(c) Sigmend Freud

(d) Allport

Ans. b

2. The word Psychology’ is derived from words-

(a Psyche and logos

(b) Psyche and logus

(c) Psycho and logos

(d) Psycho and logus

Ans. a

3 Psychology is defined as-

(a) Study of soul

(b) Study of mental diseases

(c) Seientific study of behaviour and mental processes

(d) Study of mechanism of brain functioning

Ans. c

4. Which of the following is a branch of Psychology-

(a) Developmental psychology

(b) Abnormal psychology

(c) Clinical psychology

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

5. The branch of psychology which is related with diagnosis and treatment of mental disease-

(a) Educational psychology

(b) Comparative psychology

(c) Clinical psychology

(d) Applied psychology

Ans.  c

6. Importance of Psychology is-

(a) In the field of education

(b) In the field of guidance and counselling

(c) In the field of industry and business management

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

7. The study of psychology is of great importance to a student nurse, as-

(a) Psychology will help her to understand herself and other people

(b) Psychology will help her to understand human relationships and in rapport formation

(c) Psychology will help her to shaping attitude and behaviour of a patient

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

8. Which of the following method is used in Psychology-

(a) Introspective method

(b) Observational method

(c) Clinical and case study method

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

9. Simplest form (method) of thinking is –

(a) Abstract thinking

(b) Logical thinking

(c) Creative thinking

(d) Perceptual thinking

Ans. d

10. In psychoanalytic method the main focus is on-

(a) Conscious mind

(b) Unconscious mind

(c) Mind

(d) Behaviour

Ans. b

Psychology Objective Questions and Answers in hindi

11. We can tolerate frustration because of the function of-

(a) Id

(b) Ego

(c) Superego

(d) Oedipus complex

Ans. b

12. Acquisition of skills is known as-

(a) Cognitive learning

(b) Affective learning

(c) Learning by conditioned reflex

(d) Psychomotor learning

Ans. d

13. A state of a person resulting when the satisfaction of the motivated behaivour become difficult or impossible, is known as-

(a) Conflict

(b) Frustration

(c) Emotion

(d) Problem solving

Ans. b

14. What do you mean by learning-

(a) Acquistion of skill

(b) Acquistion of knowledge

(c) Modification of behaviour which result from practice and experience

(d) Any change in behaviour

Ans. c

15. “Classical conditioning’ theory of learning was proposed by-

(a) Thorndike

(b) Ivan pavlov

(c) Watson

(d) Ernold

Ans. b

16. Which of the following is a positive emotion-

(a) Anger

(b) Affection

(c) Jealous

(d) Fear

Ans. b

psychology mcqs

17. When Pavlov did his experiment with dog, the sound of bell was the-

(a) Conditioned response

(b) Unconditioned response

(c) Conditioned stimulus

(d) Unconditioned stimulus

Ans. c

18. Which of the following is not a type of 81 intelligence-

(a) Concrete intelligence

(b) Abstract intelligence

(c) Mental intelligence

(d) Social intelligence

Ans. c

19. All of the following are characteristics of genius child except-

(a) Interest in abstract thinking

(b) Ability of attention

(c), High level of intelligence (I.Q. more than 130)

(d) Interest in concrete thinking

Ans. d

20. Habits are-

(a) Acquired

(b) Inborn

(c) Both acquired and inborn

(d) None of the above

Ans. a

psychology mcq questions with answers

21. In the Maslow’s need hierarchy model which of the following need is kept above the safety needs-

(a) Self actualization need

(b) Belonging need or need to be loved

(c) Esteem needs

(d) Physiological needs

Ans. b

22. The term IQ (Intelligent Quotient) was introduced by-

(a) Terman

(b) Allport

(c) William stern

(d) Watson

Ans. c

23. To compute IQ, which formula is used-

(a) IQ=MA/CA x100

(b) 1Q = CA/MA×100

(c) 1Q = CA/MA÷100

(d) IQ = MA /CA+100

Ans. a

24. According to Terman’s 1.Q. formula a normal individual has-

(a) Mental age < chronological age

(b) Mental age > chronological age

(c) Mental age = chronological age

(d) None of the above

Ans. c

25. The ability of a person to develop something new which was not in existence, is known as-

(a) Achievement

(b) Aptitude

(c) Attitude

(d) Creativity

Ans. d

26. Which test is important for selection of a person in a specific job-

(a) Achievement test

(b) Aptitude test

(c) Intelligence test

(d) Attitude test

Ans. b

27. Which of the following test predict person’s ability in a specific area or field-

(a) Intelligence test

(b) Personality test

(c) Aptitude test

(d) Achievement test

Ans. c

28. Which test determine the person’s level of knowledge in the given area-

(a) Aptitude test

(b) Achievement test

(c) Personality test

(d) Memory test

Ans. b

29. The first test developed to measure intelligence was designed by-

(a) William stern

(b) Wechsler

(c) Binet and simon

(d) Terman and RB cattel

Ans. c

30. The process of adjustment is-

(a) Dynamic

(b) Stable

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of the above

Ans. a

psychology mcq questions and answers pdf

31. Subsystem of personality which play important role to satisfy our biological needs through right way and show the right way to behave-

(a) Id

(b) Superego

(c) Ego ideal

(d) Ego

Ans. d

32. Which of the following is the correct way to make learning effective-

(a) To provide motivation

(b) To give incentive

(c) To give punishment

(d) Used new teaching mathod

Ans. a

33. When a person do a lot of hard work without relaxation between work, he will got-

(a) Motivation

(b) Frustration

(c) Depression

(d) Pressure

Ans. d

34. Which part of the brain play important role in maintaining the state of homeostasis-

(a) Hypothalamus

(b) Thalamus

(c) Cerebellums

(d) Spinal cord

Ans. a

35. When a person get stress in his office, after reaching home he beat his wife and children to release his tension, he is using the following defense mechanism-

(a) Rationalization

(b) Repression

(c) Displacement

(d) Projection

Ans. c

clinical psychology mcqs with answers pdf

36. Regression means-

(a) To behave in a balanced manner

(b) To interrupt in thinking process

(c) To behave in a mature way

(d) Revert to childish level of behavior

Ans. d

37. In which defence mechanism, we make excuse giving a reason different from the real one for what we are doing-

(a) Projection

(b) Rationalization

(c) Displacement

(d) Reaction formation

Ans. b

38. In which defence mechanism, a person channelise his strong and socially unacceptable drive or urge into a form that is socially acceptable-

(a) Identification

(b) Intellectualization

(c) Sublimation

(d) Conversion

Ans. c

39. A person who has aggressive feelings may not be able to express these in society but ean become a boxer. This is an example of-

(a) Suppression

(b) Sublimation

(c) Conversion

(d) Repression

Ans. b

40. In which defence mechanism, an emotional conflict is expressed by a physical illness or physical symptom without any organic cause-

(a) Sublimation

(b) Conversion

(c) Compensation

(d) Suppression

Ans. b

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41. Emotion is-

(a) A complex feeling state

(b) Conscious stirred up state of a person

(c) Subjective feeling state involving physiological arousal accompanied by characteristic behavior

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

42. Theory of cognitive development was proposed by-

(a) Guilford

(b) Jean piaget

(c) Binet

(d) Terman

Ans. b

43. Perception is-

(a) Sensation and interpretation

(b) Sensation and language

(c) Sensation and memory

(d) Sensation and images

Ans. a

44. Psycho-analytical theory of personality development was introduced by-

(a) Karl jung

(b) Sigmund freud

(c) Guilford

(d) Harman rosarch

Ans. b

45. “Personality may be defined as the most characteristic integration of an individual’s structure, modes of behaviour, interests, attitudes, capacities, abilities and aptitude”. This definition is given by-

(a) Gordon allport

(b) Freud

(c) NL Munn

(d) Erikson

Ans. c

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46. Which of the following is the characteristic of personality-

(a) Personality is unique and specific

(b) It is the product of heredity and environment

(c) Personality includes all the behaviour pattern that is cognitive, conative and affective domains.

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

47. Who classified personality as extrovert and introvert-

(a) Gordon Allport

(b) Karl G. Jung

(c) Watson

(d) Bruner

Ans. b

48. Psychosocial theory of personality development was developed by-

(a) H. Erikson

(b) Sigmund Freud

(c) Carl Roger

(d) Jean Piaget

Ans. a

49. All of the following are subjective method of personality assessment except one-

(a) Autobiography

(b) Questionnaire

(c) Rating scale

(d) Personality inventory

Ans. c

50. Which of the following is the objective technique of personality assessment-

(a) Biography

(b) Rating scale

(c) Sociometry

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

psychology objective question answer in hindi

51. Development of human being is influenced-by-

(a) Parents and teachers

(b) Psychosocial and cultural factors

(c) Parents and relatives

(d) Heredity and environment

Ans. d

52. Which of the following biological factor is the most important in determining one’s Personality-

(a) Nervous system

(b) Endocrine glands

(c) Height and weight

(d) Body structure

Ans. d

53. Meaning of motivation is-

(a) Excitement

(b) External excitement

(c) Internal excitement

(d) None of the above

Ans. c

54. In which of the following personality assessment test, a person is given a pieture and asked him to make a story about the picture-

(a) Questionnaire method

(b) Rating scale

(c) Projective test

(d) Interview method

Ans. c

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55. The word personality is derived from the Greek word ‘persona’ which means-

(a) Drama

(b) Mask

(c) Cloth

(d) Face

Ans. b

56. Which of the following is a characteristic of learning-

(a) Learning is a process of modification of behaviour.

(b) Learning is a purposeful and goal-directed process.

(c) Learning is a self active process which takes place in a social set-up or environment

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

57. Trial and error theory of learning was given by-

(a) Ivan pavlov

(b) Thorndike

(c) Skinner

(d) Kohler

Ans. b

58. According to Thorndike all of the following are law of learning, except-

(a) Law of readiness

(b) Law of exercise or Practice

(c) Law of effect

(d) Law of memory

Ans. d

59. If a child’s mental age is equal to chronological age his L.Q. will be-

(a) 90

(b) 100

(c) 80

(d) 115

Ans. b

60. A person’s need of belongingness is called as-

(a) Physical need

(b) Achievement motive

(c) Affiliation motive

(d) Power motive

Ans. c

psychology mcqs online test

61. Which of the following statement is true-

(a) According to Freud sex-instinct arise in puberty

(b) Id’ is concerned with ‘reality principle’

(c) Psychoanalysis is both theory of personality and treatment therapy of mental illnesses

(d) Defense mechanisms are used only by person who are psychologically unhealthy

Ans. c

62. World’s first psychology la boratory was established by-

(a) Francis Galton

(b) Wilhelm Wundt

(c) Alfred Adler

(d) William mc Dougall

Ans. b

63. Which of the following statement is correct about modern psychology-

(a) Psychology is the science of mind

(b) Psychology is the science of soul

(c) Psychology is the science of consciousness

(d) Psychology is the science of behaviour

Ans. d

64. “Psychology is the positive science of behaviour”. This definition of psychology is given by-

(a) William Mc dougall

(b) R.S. Woodworth

(c) C.E. Skinner

(d) N.L. Munn

Ans. a

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65. Which of the following is not a primary motive-

(a) Hunger motive

(b) Thirst motive

(c) Affiliation motive

(d) Sex motive

Ans. c

66. Which of the following is a secondary motive-

(a) Achievement motive

(b) Aggressiveness motive

(c) Affiliation motive

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

67. Which of the following is the characteristic of motivated behaviour-

(a) Motivated behaviour is goal directed

(b) Motivated behaviour is selective in nature

(c) Motivated behaviour is energized and evocated

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

68. A child is considered as mentally retarded when I.Q. is-

(a) 100

(b) Below 70

(c) Below 25

(d) 80-90

Ans. b

69. Which of the following factor affect the learning process-

(a) Motivation

(b) Age, sex, intellectual capabilities and level of aspiration of learner.

(c) Nature of learning material, learning method and environment

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

70. Thinking is also known as-

(a) Memory

(b) Motivation

(c) Cognition

(d) Attention

Ans. c

71. In following which sentence is true regarding thinking-

(a) It is a cognitive activity

(b) It is goal directed and problem solving behaviour

(c) Images, concepts, symbols and languages are used as instruments of thinking.

(d) All are correct

Ans. d

72. Which of the following is not a type of thinking-

(a) Perceptual thinking (concrete thinking)

(b) Conceptual thinking (abstract thinking)

(c) Positive thinking

(d) Problem solving thinking

Ans. c

73. Which of the following steps are involved in scientific method of problem solving-

(a) Recognizing and defining the problem.

(b) Collecting relevant data and formulation of hypothesis

(c) Putting into practice the course of action and draw conclusions/results.

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

74. What is true about emotion-

(a) Emotion is a type of feeling

(b) Emotion is a psycho-physiological process

(c) Emotion is a complex process

(d) All of the above statments are true

Ans. d

75. Mentally retarded child has-

(a) Lac of abstract thinking

(b) Inadequate adjustment

(c) Lack of creativity

(d) All of the above

Ans. d