In this blog you will find the correct answer of the Coursera quiz Quantitative Methods Coursera Answer mixsaver always try to brings best blogs and best coupon codes

Week- 1



1. Which example fits best with the concept of systematic observation?


  • Observing every fourth person to enter the mall
  • Observing everything you do in one day
  • Asking every fourth person to enter the mall about their favorite sport and recording this.

2. A hypothesis must be:


  • testable
  • observed
  • proven correct

3. What is the primary difference between a scientific theory and a scientific law?


  • A theory describes a pattern and a scientific law explains why something happens
  • A theory explains why something happens and a law describes a pattern
  • A theory does not necessarily have a large body of supporting data

4. In contrast to Plato, Aristotle asserts that:


  • sensory experience is prone to errors
  • only knowledge obtained through reasoning can lead to the truth
  • the physical world around us does provide knowledge

5. All swans that have been observed are white colored swans. Therefore one can conclude that all swans are white.


  • This is an argument based on a false premise
  • This is a form of inductive reasoning
  • This is a form of deductive reasoning

6. According to logical positivism, the sentence “God exists” is meaningful only if:

1 point

  • the sentence has meaning for the person who utters it
  • it is true by definition or can be verified through observation
  • it is believed to be true, even if we don’t know which observations can be used for verification

7. A student wants to do a research project on a mother’s love for her child. How would a radical empiricist react to this idea?


  • He or she would advise the student to develop a theory of love specific to this phenomena, i.e. the love of a mother for her child
  • A mother’s love for her child can only be understood by a fellow mother and therefore this project should not be undertaken by someone who hasn’t yet started a family
  • A mother’s love for her child cannot be subject to scientific analysis unless it can be shown to have a material, physical basis (e.g. brain activity associated with love)

8. The position that abstract concepts are merely words and that there is no independently accessible thing constituting the meaning of a word is known as


  • nominalism
  • idealism
  • realism

9. Which of these statements is true?


  • Positivists and interpretivists agree that science is empirical (studies produce data)
  • Constructivism and interpretivism are linked with qualitative data
  • both are true

10. If you prepared a study on the effects of text-messaging rather than talking on the phone on the quality of friendships, you would be conducting


  • fundamental and universalistic research
  • fundamental and particularistic research
  • applied research



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