Plant Tissue Culture MCQ with Answers pdf | Animal Tissue MCQ for NEET pdf


1. Which of the following composes the hypodermis of a dicot stem?

(a) Parenchyma

(b) Collenchyma

(c) Sclerenchyma

(d) Aerenchyma

Ans. b

2. Leguminous seeds contain elongated (rod-shaped), columnar sclereids called

(a) macrosclereids

(b) brachysclereids

(c) astrosclereids

(d) osteosclereids

Ans. a

3. Simple mechanical tissue devoid of lignin is

(a) chlorenchyma

(b) parenchyma

(c) collenchyma

(d) sclerenchyma

Ans. c

4. Collenchyma differs from sclerenchyma in

(a) being dead

(b) possessing protoplasm even at maturity

(c) possessing lumen

(d) All of the above

Ans. b

5. The mature sclerenchyma fibre cells are

(a) live and active

(b) live but inactive

(c) dead

(d) All of these

Ans. c

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6. Lignin is a component of the secondary cell walls of

(a) collenchyma

(b) parenchyma

(c) sclerenchyma

(d) aerenchyma

Ans. c

7. The parenchyma cells that make the aquatic plants light and bouyant helping them to float are

(a) prosenchyma

(b) aerenchyma

(c) assimilatory parenchyma

(d) stellate parenchyma

Ans. b

8. The chief function of parenchymatous tissue is to

(a) conduct water and minerals

(b) synthesise food

(c) store food material

(d) provide mechanical support

Ans. c

9. The thread-like cytoplasmic strands joining one cell to the other are called

(a) pneumatophores

(b) cytodesmata

(c) plasmodesmata

(d) plasmophores

Ans. c

10. Which of the following makes the framework of all plant organs?

(a) Chlorenchyma

(b) Collenchyma

(c) Parenchyma

(d) Sclerenchyma

Ans. c

11. The presence of intercellular spaces is the usual conspicuous feature of

(a) parenchyma

(b) sclerenchyma

(c) collenchyma

(d) Both (b) and (c)

Ans. a

multiple choice questions on plant tissues | mcq on animal tissues

12. Storage parenchyma contains various reserve materials, which are usually either dissolved in the cell sap or present in the form of discrete bodies. Which of the following statements is correct?

(a) Sugars, starch grains and amides in dissolved state, while nitrogenous substances, oil droplets as discrete bodies

(b) Oil droplets, amides and nitrogenous substances as descrete bodies, while starch grains, sugars and protein granules in dissolved state

(c) Sugars, amides and nitrogenous substances are in dissolved state, while starch grains, protein granules and oil droplets as discrete bodies

(d) All of the above

Ans. c

13. Star-shaped (stellate) sclereids are present in the leaves of

(a) Cucurbita

(b) Pyrus

(c) Cinnamomum

(d) Nymphaea

Ans. d

14. Stone cells is an alternative name of

(a) cortical fibres

(b) sclereids

(c) xylary fibres

(d) phloem fibres

Ans. b

15. The tissue that brings transport of organic food is 

(a) xylem

(b) vascular rays

(c) phloem

(d) parenchyma

Ans. c

16. Tracheae, tracheids, fibre and parenchyma are the constituents of

(a) phellogen

(b) phelloderm

(c) phloem

(d) xylem

Ans. d

tissues class 9 mcq | mcq on tissues class 9 science | tissue class 9 mcq

17. Parenchymatous cells are found in

(a) pulp of fruit

(b) seeds

(c) skin of fruit

(d) endocarp

Ans. b

18. Sieve tubes differ from the sieve cells because they lig

(a) lack nuclei

(b) are dead

(c) are shorter

(d) have sieve pores mainly at the end walls

Ans. d

19. Length of the plant is mainly increased by

(a) apical meristem

(b) lateral meristem

(c) periblem

(d) dermatogen

Ans. a

20. Tracheids are different from vessels because they have

(a) bordered pits

(b) thick wall

(c) spiral thickening

(d) discontinuous intercalary wall

Ans. a

21. Which is not considered as lateral meristem?

(a) Interfascicular cambium

(b) Intrafascicular cambium

(c) Phellogen

(d) Intercalary meristem

Ans. d

22. Endodermis is mainly helpful in

(a) providing protection

(b) preventing loss of water from stele

(c) maintain rigidity

(d) None of the above

Ans. b

23. Collenchyma is

(a) living and contains protoplasm

(b) dead and hollow

(c) dead and filled with reserve food

(d) living, containing no reserve food

Ans. a

tissues class 9 mcq with answers | mcq on plant tissue culture | class 9 science chapter 6 mcq with answers

24. Simple mechanical tissue devoid of lignin is

(a) chlorenchyma

(b) parenchyma

(c) collenchyma

(d) sclerenchyma

Ans. c

25. Vascular bundles are found to be completely absent in

(a) pteridophytes

(b) angiosperms

(c) gymnosperms

(d) bryophytes

Ans. d

26. What is the condition called, if the protoxylem is encircled by the metaxylem?

(a) Exarch

(b) Endarch

(c) Polyarch

(d) Mesarch

Ans. d

27. Healing of wound in plants is done by the activity of

(a) apical meristem

(b) lateral meristem

(c) primordial meristem

(d) intercalary meristem

Ans. b

28. Root hairs are usually

(a) acellular

(b) unicellular

(c) bicellular

(d) multicellular

Ans. b

29. Ground tissue is uniform lacking differentiation which occurs in

(a) dicot stem

(b) dicot root

(c) monocot stem

(d) monocot root

Ans. b

30. Triarch vascular bundles may be found in

(a) monocot stem

(b) monocot roots

(c) dicot stem

(d) dicot roots

Ans. d

mcq on tissue class 9 | mcq on plant tissues class 9 science | mcq on plant tissue

31. Tissue responsible for the length of the plant

(a) apical meristem

(b) lateral meristem

(c) intercalary meristem

(d) epidermis meristem

Ans. a

32. Analyse the identifying features of meristematic tissues.

(a) Thick cellulose wall, small vacuoles, dense cytoplasm, small nuclei

(b) Thin cellulose wall, almost no vacuole, dense cytoplasm, prominent nuclei

(c) Thin cellulose wall, no vacuoles, sparse cytoplasm, prominent nuclei

(d) Thick cellulose wall, large vacuole, sparse cytoplasm, small nuclei

Ans. b

33. Which meristem helps in increasing girth?

(a) Lateral meristem

(b) Intercalary meristem

(c) Primary meristem

(d) Apical meristem

Ans. a

34. Tunica corpus theory is connected with

(a) root apex

(b) root cap

(c) shoot apex

(d) secondary growth

Ans. c

35. Cork is formed from

(a) cork cambium (phellogen)

(b) vascular cambium

(c) phloem

(d) xylem

Ans. a

multiple choice questions on tissues class 9 | tissues class 9 mcq pdf | mcq of chapter tissue class 9

36. Pith and cortex do not differentiate in

(a) monocot stem

(b) dicot stem

(c) monocot root

(d) dicot root

Ans. a

37. Cork cambium and vascular cambium are

(a) parts of secondary xylem and phloem

(b) parts of pericycle

(c) lateral meristem

(d) apical meristem

Ans. c

38. Pericycle of roots produces

(a) mechanical support

(b) lateral roots

(c) vascular bundles

(d) adventitious buds

Ans. b

39. Vascular cambium produces

(a) primary xylem and primary phloem

(b) secondary xylem and secondary phloem

(c) primary xylem and secondary phloem

(d) secondary xylem and primary phloem

Ans. b

tissues class 9 mcq questions with answers | mcq on animal tissues class 9 | tissue mcq class 9

40. A bicollateral vascular bundle is characterised by

(a) phloem being sandwitched between xylem,

(b) transverse splitting of vascular bundle

(c) longitudinal splitting of vascular bundle

(d) xylem being sandwitched between phloem

Ans. d

41. Bordered pits are found in

(a) sieve cells

(b) vessel wall

(c) companion cells

(d) sieve tube wall

Ans. b

42. Anarrow layer of thin walled cells found between phloem/ bark and wood of a dicot is

(a) cork cambium

(b) vascular cambium

(c) endodermis

(d) pericycle

Ans. b

43. Periderm is produced by

(a) vascular cambium

(b) fascicular cambium

(c) phellogen

(d) intrafascicular cambium

Ans. c

44. Which of the following meristems is responsible for extrastelar secondary growth in dicotyledonous stem?

(a) Interfascicular cambium

(b) Phellogen

(c) Intercalary meristem

(d) Intrafascicular cambium

Ans. b

mcq on tissue | mcq tissues class 9

45. Passage cells are thin-walled cells found in

(a) phloem elements that serve as entry points for substance for transport to other plant parts

(b) testa of seeds to enable emergence of growing embryonic axis during seed germination

(c) central region of style through which the pollen tube grows towards the ovary

(d) endodermis of roots facilitating rapid transport of water from cortex to pericycle

Ans. d

46. Casperian strip is made up of

(a) suberin only 

(b) lignin only

(c) suberin lignin and cutin

(d) cutin only

Ans. c

47. Agymnosperm producing vessels

(a) Pinus

(b) Cycas

(c) Ephedra

(d) Ginkgo

Ans. c

48. Safranin stain used for

(a) pyrenoids

(b) starch

(c) cork tissue

(d) lignified calls

Ans. d

49. Quiescent centre is found in

(a) root tip

(b) shoot tip

(c) dicot stem

(d) stem and leaf both

Ans. a

50. The presence of vessels and companion cells are characteristics of

(a) angiosperm

(b) gymnosperm

(c) ferns

(d) All of these

Ans. a