Transportation in Animals and Plants MCQs with answers

1. chlorosis is caused due to the deficiency of

(a) calcium

(b) boron

(c) iron

(d) copper

Ans. c

2. active uptake of mineral requires

(a) respiration

(b) expenditure of energy

(c) root metabolism

(d) photophosphorylation

Ans. b

3. the most important use of potassium is that it

(a) provides red colour to fruit

(b) aids photosynthesis

(c) influences enzymatic activity, which regulates many plant processes

(d) helps in the formation of the cambium

Ans. c

4. active transport of molecules from outside to inside across a membrane requires

(a) cyclic AML

(b) acetylcholine

(c) ATP

(d) stimulation exit of like molecules

Ans. c

5. the concentration of ca2+ in phloem sap in comparison to the xylem sap is

(a) more

(b) less

(c) same

(d) variable

Ans. b

6. ‘Die back’ citrus and reclamation’ of legumes and cereals disease occurs due to the deficiency of

(a) copper

(b) zinc

(c) sodium

(d) molybdenum

Ans. a

7. the accumulation of phosphorus is more in

(a) older leaves

(b) older roots

(c) younger roots

(d) younger leaves

Ans. d

8. What is needed for the active transport?

(a) Evolution of heat

(b) Availability of light and heat

(c) The presence of light

(d) Availability of energy

Ans. d

9. Element present in protoplasmic proteins is

(a) K


(c) O

(d) Mg

Ans. b

10. Boron in green plants assists in

(a) activation of enzymes 

(b) acting as enzyme cofactor

(c) photosynthesis

(d) sugar transport

Ans. d

11. Critical elements are

(a) N, P and S

(b) N, S and K

(c) N, P and K

(d) P, K and S

Ans. c

12. Minerals are absorbed by the plants through

(a) active transport

(b) diffusion

(c) osmosis

(d) pressure flow

Ans. a

13. The most common ion found freely in the cell is

(a) phosphorus

(b) potassium

(c) iron

(d) sulphur

Ans. b

Mineral nutrition class 11 neet mcqs | Multiple choice questions on minerals | Nutrition in plants mcq with answers | Nutrition in plants mcq | MCQ on mineral nutrition | Transportation in plants and animals class 7 mcq

14. Closure of stomata is due to

(a) efflux of K+

(b) influx of K+

(c) influx of Na +

(d) efflux of Na

Ans. a

15. The brown colour of leaves of cabbage is due to the deficiency of

(a) phosphorus

(b) nitrogen

(c) sulphur

(d) calcium

Ans. a

16. Enzyme catalysed reaction can be stopped by

(a) Zn2+

(b) Cu 2+

(c) Hg2+

(d) Mg2+

Ans. c

17. Reduced availability of nitrogen during late growth causes

(a) increase in the carbohydrate content of fruits and storage organs

(b) decrease in the carbohydrate content of fruits and storage organs

(c) increase in the ethylene content of fruits and storage organs

(d) decrease in the ethylene content of fruits and storage organs

Ans. a ‘

18. A fertiliser has a formula of three figures 15-9-9, it stands for the percentage of

(a) N. Ca and Mg

(b) Mg, P and K

(c) Ca, N and Fe

(d) N, P and K

Ans. d

Transportation in Plants and Animals class 7 mcq

19. Anumber of minerals like Ca, Mg and K are held over tuhe surface of clay particles because the later are

(a) negatively charged

(b) positively charged

(c) neutral

(d) having both positive and negative residual valencies

Ans. a

20. Which of the following is not a micronutrient?

(a) Mo

(b) B

(c) Zn

(d) Mg

Ans. d

21. Molybdenun is involved in plant metabolism in

(a) translocation of solutes

(b) nitrate reduction

(c) tryptophan synthesis

(d) ascorbic acid synthesis

Ans. b

22. Cohesion transpiration pull theory operates only in

(a) passive water absorption

(b) active water absorption

(c) conditions favouring transpiration

(d) conditions restricting transpiration

Ans. a

23. The term ‘root pressure’ was coined by

(a) Priestley (1729)

(b) Stephen Hales (1727)

(c) Sachs (1809)

(d) JC Bose (1923)

Ans. a

24. According to the transpiration cohesion theory, the upward pull of water is transmitted to other water molecules by cohesion, which is caused by

(a) hydrogen bonds

(b) hydrophilic cell walls

(c) turgor pressure

(d) osmosis

Ans. a

Transportation in Plants and Animals class 7 quiz

25. The force of tension-cohesion exceeds root pressure on

(a) rainy day

(b) fog morning

(c) sunny day

(d) full moon night

Ans. c

26. Who was the first to suggest that the upward movement of water takes place by imbibition?

(a) Sachs (1874)

(b) Boehm (1809)

(c) Weatherley (1963)

(d) Unger (1868)

Ans. d

27. Difference between the term ‘adhesion’ and ‘cohesion’ is  

(a) adhesion is union of similar parts

(b) cohesion is the adhesion of dissimilar parts

(c) both are wrong

(d) both are right

Ans. c

28. Supply ends in transport of solutes are

(a) green leaves 

(b) roots and stem

(c) xylem and phloem

(d) hormones and enzymes

Ans. c

29. The main mechanism(s) determining the direction of short distance transport within a potato tuber is (are)

(a) determined by the structure and function of the tonoplast of tuber cells

(b) diffusion due to concentration differences and bulk flow due to pressure differences

(c) not affected by temperature and pressure

(d) pressure flow through the phloem

Ans. b

30. Ascent of sap takes place through

(a) cambium

(b) phloem

(c) xylem

(d) epidermis

Ans. c

31. The direction of the conduction of food through phloem is

(a) from bottom to top

(b) from top to bottom

(c) Both of the above

(d) phloem never conducts food

Ans. c

32. Root pressure does not takes an active part in the ascent of sap because it is

(a) not found in all plants and water can rise in the absence of root

(b) seen during most favourable periods like spring or rainy season

(c) never found to exist in the plants

(d) Both (a) and (b)

Ans. a

33. The element required by an enzyme urease to hydrolyse urea by living organisms is

(a) boron 

(b) calcium

(c) phosphorus

(d) nickel

Ans. d

Transport in Plants class 11 neet questions

34. Enzyme catalysed reaction can be stopped by

(a) Hg+

(b) Cu

(c) Mg2+

(d) None of these

Ans. a

35. Brown heart disease in turnip is due to the deficiency of

(a) K

(b) Mo

(c) B

(d) Fe

Ans. c

36. Identify the well known trace element

(a) Fe

(b) Mg

(c) Cu

(d) S

Ans. c

37. Sulphur is required by the plants for

(a) protein synthesis 

(b) glucose synthesis

(c) ATP synthesis

(d) vitamin synthesis

Ans. d

38. Bacteria involved in denitrification is

(a) Nitrococcus 

(b) Nitrosomonas

(c) Pseudomonas

(d) Azotobacter

Ans. c

39. Zinc is an activater of

(a) amino acid oxidase


(c) tryptophan synthetase

(d) succinic acid dehydrogenase

Ans. d

40. Element directly absorbed by plants from soil is 

(a) C

(b) H2

(c) N

(d) B

Ans. d

41. What special mode of transport via phloem is applicable in angiospherms?

(a) Action theory

(b) Flow theory

(c) Pressure flow theory

(d) Pressure theory

Ans. c

42. ATP and proteins is supplied to the companion cells through 

(a) sieve tubes

(b) cell wall

(c) porous wall

(d) vascular tissues

Ans. a

43. Aeroponics is called as

(a) soil less cultivation of plants

(b) vivipary

(c) parthenocarpy

(d) phytotorn

Ans. a

44. Which of the following is a correct list of contexts of organic material in soil ?

(a) Humus, roots, and decomposed material

(b) Roots and small animals

(c) Minerals, small animals and roots.

(d) Small animals, humus and roots

Ans. a