In this blog you will find the correct answer of the Coursera quiz Business English Meetings Coursera Weeks 1-4 Answers mixsaver always try to bring the best blogs and best coupon codes


Week- 1

Successful Meetings


Question 1
Choose the best word to complete these sentences.

An __________ is the plan for a meeting.
1 point

  • action item
  • agenda

Question 2
2. A ______ is someone who attends a meeting.

1 point

  • participant
  • chair

Question 3
3. Writing
a summary of a meeting is called ________.

1 point

  • taking minutes
  • approving minutes

Question 4
4. A ________ is usually held at the start of a project.

1 point

  • debrief meeting
  • kickoff meeting

Question 5
5. The goal of a _______ is to come up with new ideas and to be creative.

1 point

  • training meeting
  • brainstorming meeting

Question 6
6. At a progress report
meeting you will be expected to give ______.

1 point

  • an update
  • a training

Question 7
7. Select all the sentences below which are guidelines for a successful meeting agenda.

1 point

  • Send out the agenda at least 24 hours before the meeting.
  • Make sure each item on the agenda is clear.
  • Bring a copy of the agenda to the meeting.
  • Do not allow any small talk.
  • Make sure everyone knows the purpose of the meeting
  • Provide food.

Question 8
8. Select all the sentences below which are guidelines for a successful meeting.

1 point

  • Start the meeting on time.
  • Keep the discussion on topic.
  • End the meeting when everything has been discussed.
  • Send the minutes as soon as possible.
  • Speak as much as you can.
  • Choose a comfortable location.



Setting Up A Meeting Email


Question 1
Choose the better sentences a or b to complete this email informing some colleagues about a meeting.

1. Subject line

1 point

a. Subject: Our Team will Receive Training Tomorrow

b. Subject: Tomorrow’s Database Training

Question 2
2. Greeting

1 point

a. Hey!

b. Hi Everybody,

Question 3
3. Purpose

1 point

a. I want to remind you that the training on the new database will take place tomorrow.

b. Remember the training meeting on the new database tomorrow?

Question 4
4. Details of time and location

1 point

a. The training is from 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. in Room 5C.

b. Be at room 5C by 8.

Question 5
5. Meeting goal/details

1 point

a. We hope to begin using the new database next month, so it’s important that all of you are familiar with the new system.

b. There will be coffee and muffins, so you don’t need to get breakfast.

Question 6
6. What to do if you can’t attend

1 point

a. Please tell me if you can’t attend.

b. Please let me know by the end of today if you can’t attend.

Question 7
7. Referring to an attachment

1 point

a. Attached is the schedule for the training.

b. I have included the schedule. Please check it.

Question 8
8. Preparation

1 point

a. In preparation, please complete the attached questionnaire.

b. Bring the questionnaire, too.

Question 9
9. Closing sentence 1

1 point

a. OK, I think that’s all. Let me know if you have any question.

b. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Question 10
10. Closing sentence 2

1 point

a. See you all tomorrow at 8:00.

b. Cheers!




Peer-graded Assignment: Writing an Agenda






Responding to Meeting Invitations


Question 1
Choose the best way to complete the following sentences .

If there is something you want to talk about at a meeting you can send an email to the organizer asking to ___________.

1 point

add something to the agenda

send you the minutes

Question 2
If you can’t attend a meeting, you can send an email ___________.

1 point

explaining why you can’t attend

saying no thank you.

Question 3
Using words like unfortunately, I’m afraid and I’m sorry make the sentence ___________.

1 point

more direct


Question 4
Just to let you know I can’t make it is an example of __________ language.

1 point



Question 5
You should usually give a __________ reason when you are too busy to attend a meeting.

1 point



Question 6
Something has come up is an example of a ___________ reason.

1 point



Question 7
I look forward to reading the minutes is an example of ____________.

1 point

a closing sentence

changing the time of the meeting

Question 8
If you can’t attend a meeting, it is ____________.

1 point

acceptable to ask to reschedule it only if you are the boss

possible to ask to reschedule it, but use indirect language

Question 9
If you need to reschedule a meeting ___________.

1 point

give a reason

use vague language

Question 10
Same time, same place probably means ___________.

1 point

there are no changes to the meeting

maybe only the day has changed




Peer-graded Assignment: Writing and Responding to a Meeting Announcement





Week- 2



Question 1
the best word to complete these sentences.

1. A cell phone is a
telecommunications ___.

1 point

a. device

b. computer

Question 2
2. I’m sorry. I didn’t ___
that. Could you repeat what you said?

1 point

a. catch

b. lose

Question 3
3. I don’t know the ___ number for our teleconference.

1 point

a. call-in

b. agenda

Question 4
4. I’m having trouble logging
___ the conference site.

1 point

a. for

b. on to

Question 5
5. Did you send us the access ___?

1 point

a. software

b. code

Question 6
6. I am ___ the results of the survey. Please look at them before the meeting.

1 point

a. attaching

b. input

Question 7
7. I’d like to get everyone’s ___ before I make a decision.

1 point

a. input

b. screen

Question 8
8. Did we ___ Tina? She joined the meeting, right?

1 point

a. break up

b. lose

Question 9
9. Use ___ if there’s a lot of noise near you when you call in to a meeting.

1 point

a. mute

b. access

Question 10
10. I can’t hear you clearly. You’re breaking ___.

1 point

a. on

b. up

Question 11
Which of these is a good thing to do when you have a teleconference?

1 point

a. Give people clear instructions for how to connect to the teleconference.

b. Send the access code one time, when you announce the meeting

Question 12
Which of these is a good thing to do when you have a teleconference?

1 point

a. Begin to access the teleconference at the exact time for the meeting.

b. Call in to connect to the meeting before it is exactly the time.

Question 13
Which of these is a good thing to do when you have a teleconference?

1 point

a. Say “This is … (your name)” when you join a teleconference.

b. Say your name when you speak in a video conference.

Question 14
Which of these is a good thing to do when you have a teleconference?

1 point

a. Get all your devices ready so you can multitask during a teleconference.

b. Prepare ahead of time for the meeting.



Peer-graded Assignment: Plan a Teleconference






Week- 3

Directing People’s Attention


Question 1

Choose the better sentence to complete these minutes.

1 point

Sara suggested that we put tables, chairs, and a coffee bar in the store. Bill and Carl thought this was a good idea.

The team discussed changes in the Northlake store and decided to add tables, chairs, and a coffee bar.

Question 2

Choose the better sentence to complete these minutes.

1 point

According to the Tourist Bureau, Pike Place Market has the most visitors.

Tina brought in information. It was from the Tourist Bureau and said that Pike Place Market has the most visitors.

Question 3

Choose the better sentence to complete these minutes.

1 point

Neil was unhappy about going to the re-opening celebration that is planned for June 12.

The re-opening celebration is planned for June 12.

Question 4

Choose the better sentence to complete these minutes.

1 point

The team discussed where is the best location.

The team discussed where the best location is.

Question 5

Choose the better sentence to complete these minutes.

1 point

If we open a new store in the market, we might get new customers.

We open a new store in the market, we get new customers.

Question 6

Choose the better sentence to complete these minutes.

1 point

Here is the report of the Tourist Bureau.

Here is the report from the Tourist Bureau.

Question 7

Choose the better sentence to complete these minutes.

1 point

We don’t have enough datas to make a decision.

We need more data to make a decision.

Question 8

Choose the better sentence to complete these minutes.

1 point

This report, according to the Tourist Bureau, shows the number of visitors to each attraction.

This report from the Tourist Bureau shows the number of visitors to each attraction.

Question 9

Choose the better sentence to complete these minutes.

1 point

This means that we have to reconsider our plans.

This means to reconsider our plans.

Question 10

Choose the better sentence to complete these minutes.

1 point

The statistics shows that the Market is the best place.

The statistics show that the Market is the best place.



Peer-graded Assignment: Reporting on Data





Week- 4

Brainstorming Ideas


Question 1
Part 1 of 2: Choose the best response to these sentences.

How about a new advertising campaign?

1 point

OK. Nice idea.


Question 2
What if we changed the atmosphere in the store?

1 point

Atmosphere? What do you mean exactly?

I don’t know what you mean.

Question 3
Maybe we could make it lighter with more windows.

1 point

Adding to that, maybe we could paint it a brighter color, too.

Any more ideas?

Question 4
These are great ideas everyone. Anything else?

1 point

Picking up on what Neil said, the student market is a crazy idea.

I know this might sound crazy, but what about concentrating on the student market?

Question 5
I don’t really know about this, but….

1 point

What do you mean exactly?

Go ahead.

Question 6
Part 2 of 2:

Select the 1 sentence below which is NOT necessary for successful brainstorming.

1 point

Make sure everyone knows the topic beforehand.

Move around while giving ideas.

The facilitator should react positively to ideas.

Question 7
Select the 1 sentence below which is NOT necessary for successful brainstorming.

1 point

Note down the ideas somewhere.

Keep the brainstorming focused.

Have a break after 45 minutes

Question 8
Select the 1 sentence below which is NOT necessary for successful brainstorming.

1 point

Set a time limit.

Follow-up the brainstorming with an email

Welcome, all ideas.




Peer-graded Assignment: Add the Missing Words




Peer-graded Assignment: Creating a Proposal




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